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8/8/2016 1:16:40 PM
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9/30/2015 9:33:06 PM
Official Documents
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FDOT Small County Outreach Program
Reconstruction of Roseland Road from CR 512 to US 1
with Resolution No. 2006-021
Roseland Road from CR 512 to US 1
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agents , contractors , subcontractors , consultants , and/or subconsultants are not agents of the <br /> DEPARTMENT as a result of this Agreement for purposes other than those set out in <br /> Section 337 . 274 , Florida Statutes . <br /> E . Recipients of state funds are to have audits done annually using the following <br /> criteria : <br /> State awards will be identified using the Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) title <br /> and number, award number and year, and name of the awarding state agency . <br /> In the event that the recipient expends a total amount of State awards (i . e . , State financial <br /> assistance provided to the recipient to carry out a State project) equal to or in excess of <br /> $ 500 , 000 in any fiscal year of such recipient, the recipient must have a State single or <br /> project-specific audit for such fiscal year in accordance with Section 215 . 97 , Florida Statutes ; <br /> applicable rules of the Executive Office of the Governor and the Comptroller, and Chapter <br /> 10 . 600 , Rules of the Auditor General . <br /> In connection with the audit requirements addressed in the paragraph above , the recipient <br /> shall ensure that the audit complies with the requirements of Section 215 . 97 (7) , Florida <br /> Statutes . This includes submission of a reporting package as defined by Section <br /> 215 . 97 (2 ) (d ) , Florida Statutes , and Chapter 10 . 600 , Rules of the Auditor General . <br /> If the recipient expends less than $500 , 000 in State awards in its fiscal year, an audit <br /> conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 215 . 97 , Florida Statutes , is not <br /> required . In the event that the recipient expends less than $ 500 , 000 in State awards in its <br /> fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of <br /> Section 215 . 97 , Florida Statutes , the cost of the audit must be paid from non -State funds <br /> (i . e . , the cost of such an audit must be paid from recipient funds obtained from other than <br /> State entities) . <br /> Reporting Packages and management letters generated from audits conducted in <br /> accordance with Section 215 . 97 , Florida Statutes , and Chapter 10 . 600 , Rules of the Auditor <br /> General shall be submitted to the awarding FDOT office , by the recipient, within 30 days of <br /> receiving it. The afore mentioned items are to be received by the appropriate FDOT office <br /> no later than 9 months after the end of the recipient's fiscal year. <br /> The recipient shall follow up and take corrective action on audit findings . Preparation of a <br /> summary schedule of prior year audit findings , including corrective action and current status <br /> of the audit finding is required . Current year audit findings require corrective action and <br /> status of finding . <br /> Project records shall be retained and available for at least 5 years from the date the audit <br /> report is issued . Records related to unresolved audit findings , appeals , or litigation shall be <br /> retained until the action is completed or the dispute is resolved . Access to project records <br /> and audit workpapers shall be given FDOT, the Comptroller, and the Office of the Auditor <br /> General . <br /> The recipient shall submit required audit documentation as follows : <br /> A Financial Reporting Package of audits conducted in accordance with Section 215 . 97 , <br /> Florida Statutes , and Chapter 10. 600, Rules of the Auditor General shall be sent to : <br /> 6 OF 9 <br />
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