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RESOLUTION NO. 61- 39 <br />WHEREAS, this Board is of the opinion that the welfare and con- <br />tinued healthy <br />on-tinued,healthy economical growth of the railroad system of this country is an <br />important asset to this count ry to be preserved; and, <br />WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of this Board that the • <br />railway's ability to re -attract business will be reduced to a point of danger if <br />two Bills now pending in the United States Senate, that is, S-1089 and S-1197, <br />are enacted into law; Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of <br />Indian River County, Florida, that this Board does herewith register its <br />opposition to the two Bills and does herewith request Florida's representatives <br />in the national Congress to oppose the same; and, <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolu- <br />tion be furnished to George A. Smathers and Spessard L. Holland, United <br />States Senators from Florida, and to Paul G. Rogers, Representative. <br />A`, contract was received from. the Shoup Voting Machine Corporation <br />covering accessory equipment for twenty (20 Voting Machines. Motion was <br />made by Co::uu _ss__onel. Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Waddell, and carried, <br />that the contract should be executed subject to the approval of the County <br />Attorney <br />cr. ;qui 1,archand, Cha -:man of the City 'arks, "fanning & Zoning <br />Cornmiss..on sent a copy of their Community Facilities & lousing which was <br />prepared Ly jarland _:.artholo:;ew & Associates and said copy was turned over <br />to the County Lngineer for use by the Zoning Office. <br />A letter was read from J. ".. Thompson, Super nteudent of Public Instruc- <br />tion together with a copy of Douse Bill No. 2257 allowing parents tax credit <br />for sending their youngsters to certain private schools. Motion was made <br />by Comm_ssioner=acdonald, seconded by Commissioner icCullers and unanimously <br />carried, that this Loar_d goes on record opposing Nouse Bill 2257. <br />The Attorney, Charles Smith stated that all rights of ways for the <br />J <br />