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1 . are not presently debarred , suspended , proposed for debarment , declared <br /> ineligible , or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by a federal department or agency ; <br /> 2 . have not , within a five -year period preceding this proposal been convicted of <br /> or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection <br /> with obtaining , attempting to obtain , or performing a public (federal , state or local ) transaction or contract <br /> under public transaction ; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement , <br /> theft , forgery , bribery , falsification or destruction of records , making false statements , or receiving stolen <br /> property ; <br /> 3 . are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a <br /> governmental entity ( federal , state or local ) with commission of any offenses enumerated in paragraph <br /> 11 ( g ) 2 . of this certification ; and <br /> 4 . have not within a five -year period preceding this Agreement had one or more <br /> public transactions (federal , state or local ) terminated for cause or default . <br /> Where the Recipient is unable to certify to any of the staternents in this certification , such <br /> Recipient shall attach an explanation to this Agreement . <br /> ( 12 ) AUDIT REQUIREMENTS . <br /> (a ) The Recipient agrees to maintain financial procedures and support documents , in <br /> accordance with generally accepted accounting principles , to account for the receipt and expenditure of <br /> funds under this Agreement . <br /> ( b ) These records shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection , review , or <br /> audit by state personnel and other personnel duly authorized by the Department . " Reasonable" shall be <br /> construed according to circumstances , but ordinarily shall mean normal business hours of 8 : 00 a . m . to <br /> 5 : 00 p . m . , local time , Monday through Friday . <br /> ( c ) The Recipient shall also provide the Department with the records , reports or financial <br /> statements upon request for the purposes of auditing and monitoring the funds awarded under this <br /> Agreement . <br /> 10 <br />