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his if/ ei"9-19114, tor and birth <br />SIM Mal Warn 011111.01=1, a aim ' Ork smis ration <br />having its princigai, piece. a business at 141 Sat Street, <br />Mw mak, Mat Ulric ua s borsinstUrr called "Moue) <br />end =MI M, nailn, by tbik IOW C'Mtn' cOPIKE- <br />UMWOF tow arna awn, mum (sass hereinafter <br />called the « vy "), <br />!uliILtAT_A. <br />*, the partite hereto are desirous of reducing to <br />mating the terms and conditions of an Ott for the pur- <br />ohase and sale and lnstallatidn et certain accessory equipment <br />for seem saw ns►r owned by the County; and <br />iii#, Shoup heti a*be ttted a bid for this work Which <br />it is new desired to **mot, <br />MM. IIIIIMINSM it is fo3.lo tss <br />1. Shoup hereby agree* to fu rniah to the County all the <br />tial aeosesery eqOpment and parts necessary to.convert the <br />twenty (SD) smobanes new owed by the *Minty so as to provide <br />f!r the listing est candidates ver tioally on the ballot and so <br />am tie allot fei genirally greeter flexibility in the ballot. <br />asaltwill *0 required in ca action with the <br />otf 40 the ammaineta suppuitiental interlocks and <br />ZOO imeledery pull * s Par es0h. <br />3. S woes Is Oielmer shit at * thr <br />emilignited by SW than rr 31, 1961, <br />INNS *Op ..Own argy Maw inneinft <br />