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Square Deal Machinery <br />Link -Belt Speeder, Model HC -68A, Model GMC 3-71 #3030C <br />A. Net cash price $42,644.18 <br />B. Net cash price with trade-in $37,000.00 <br />Total rental for six months shall not be less than $10,000. <br />Deferred payment charges shall be added to the Cash Balance of <br />$37,000 at $3.34 per month for $1,000.00 deferred. <br />Delivery within 45 days. <br />The County Engineer after going over all bids requested the Board purchase <br />the Koehring - Model 218 with trade-in at a price of $31,946.00. He stated <br />this was not the low bid, however the low bid did not meet his specifications <br />as to weight. Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by <br />Waddell and unanimously carried, that the bid of Florida Equipment Company <br />of Orlando for a Koehring - Model 213 be purchased with trade-in for the <br />amount of $31,946.00 with the deferred payment plan of payments of -$1,000.00 <br />and rentals to be adjusted on a pro -rata basis. Even though this is not <br />the low bid, the low bid does not meet the specifications as to weight and <br />also there would have been some interest to be paid whereas on the bid we <br />are accepting there is not interest involved. <br />The County Engineer made the following recommendations as to the first <br />bid notice and upon motion made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by <br />Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, the following bids were <br />accepted: <br />Item #1 - John A. Cashion - Bridge Lumber for $135.00 per MBF <br />Item #2a - Swords & Sons <br />Course Type II - $8.00 <br />Item #2b - Swords & Sons <br />$2.00 per ton <br />Asphalt Co. - Asphaltic Concrete Surface <br />per ton. <br />Asphalt Co. - Hauling and spreading Item 2a - <br />Item 3 - The Landale Company for Creosote lumber <br />12 x 12 x 22' --- $230.00 MBM <br />12 x.12 x 26' --- 250.00 MBM <br />3 x 10 x 24' ---- 205.00 MBM <br />3 x 10 x 28' ---- 245.00 MBM <br />4 x 8 x 12' & 14'- 160.00 MBM <br />10 x 10 x 16' ---- 180.00 MBM <br />3 x 8 x 16' 160.00 MBM <br />4 x 10 x 16' ---- 165.00 MBM <br />Koppers Company, Inc. for Cresoted Piling <br />12 x 8 x 20' $1.00 LF <br />12 x 8 x 25' .98 LF <br />12 x 8 x 30' .93 LF <br />12 x8x35' .92 LF <br />Item #4 - Miami Crushed Rock Co. for limerock @ $.85 per ton <br />Item #5 - Naranja Rock Co. for road rock @ $1.35 per ton <br />