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1: In order to meet .the estimated expenses of the Geneiatbed, <br />it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Six sad,flv.-tenths <br />(6.5) mills upon the dollar be levied and hereby imposed. <br />2. In order to meet the estimated_ expanses of•tbe Road and <br />Bridge Fund, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rata of Five <br />and five -tenths (5.5) mills upon the dollar be levied and is hereby imposed.: <br />'3. In order to meet the estimated expenses of the Fine and For- <br />feiture Fund, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Three <br />(3.) Mills upon the dollar be levied and is hereby imposed. <br />4. In order to meet the estimated expenses of•the Capital Outlay <br />Fund, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of One-half (.5) <br />mill upon the dollar be levied and is hereby imposed. <br />5. In order to provide funds to the Indian River County Public <br />Health Unit, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Seven - <br />tenths (.7) mill upon the dollar be levied, assessed and is hereby imposed <br />upon all the property lying and being in the County of Indian River, the <br />proceeds of which when collected shall be paid to the State Treasurer of the <br />State of Florida for the account of the State Board of Health of the State of <br />Florida to be expended by said State Board of Health as provided by Chapter <br />154, Florida Statutes. <br />b. Estimates having been made by the Board of Trustees of the <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT, and a certified copy of the Resolution <br />thereof filed with this Board as required by law, it is <br />hereby declared that a tax rate of Ona and five hundred <br />thousandths (1.525) mills upon the dollar be levied and <br />determined and <br />and twenty-five <br />is hereby fixed and <br />assessed for the year 1961 on all of the property in said District, the same <br />being as set forth in Chapter 61-2275, Acts of the 1961 Florida Legislature; <br />for the purpose of paying interest upon and providing a Sinking Fund for <br />bonds of said District dated August 1, 1959. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tax Assessor of Indian River <br />County, Florida, <br />foregoing <br />in Indian <br />of Indian <br />taxes and <br />taxes <br />River <br />River <br />be and he is hereby directed to assess and levy all of the <br />as fixed and levied by this Board upon the taxable property <br />County, Florida, just and due taxation, and the Tax Collector <br />County, Florida, be and he is hereby directed to collect said <br />pay over the same as provied by law, and that a certified, <br />