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Application for Funding Assistance <br /> Florida Department of Law Enforcement <br /> Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program <br /> E . Project Narrative <br /> 1 . Problem Identification : Briefly describe a specific problem to be addressed <br /> with subgrant funds in terms of Problem Description , Problem Significance and <br /> Needs Assessment, as described in the application instructions . Continue <br /> narrative on a second page if necessary. Do not exceed two pages . Use a <br /> readable size font , per instructions . <br /> PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION <br /> Indian River County is located on the Eastern seaboard of Central Florida and in land mass <br /> represents 540 square miles . According to the 2003 Census the population of Indian River County <br /> is 120 , 271 . This resident population resides primarily in the south , central and northern parts of <br /> the county. During the tourist season , the population increases to over 130 ,000 people . The land <br /> mass to the west, currently is dedicated to agriculture and the entire eastern coast is shaped by <br /> water. These two factors : the undeveloped and isolated land area is ripe for growing and <br /> clandestine activity; the avenues for waterway importation and transportation make illicit activity <br /> attractive to the element bringing narcotics into our community. The law enforcement community <br /> of Indian River County estimates that over 50 percent of all crimes are attributed to drug abuse . <br /> Drug arrests continue to increase , for both sale and possession , in the county. Drug arrests for <br /> sale and possession of drugs are alarming . <br /> Substance abuse continues to be a major problem for Indian River County. New designer drugs , <br /> such as ecstasy and G . H . B are becoming available in this county at an alarming rate . Drug <br /> offenders are not curtailed by any boundaries ; they cross jurisdictional boundaries every day to sell , <br /> buy, or deliver illegal drugs to our citizens , students , and work force . In order to combat the <br /> increased drug activity, it is necessary to consolidate our efforts regarding manpower. Disbanding <br /> this program would not benefit society, only drug dealers . <br /> In past years , we have seen an increase in heroin distribution and usage_ in- Indian- River-CQunty. <br /> In 2002 Six individuals were arrested for Trafficking in Heroin and two individuals were arrested for <br /> Possession of Heroin . In 2003 , we assisted in an investigation in this county that revealed <br /> approximately two hundred grams of heroin and two arrests for Trafficking in Heroin . In 2004 we <br /> arrested one individual for possession with the intent to distribute twenty grams of heroin . Thus <br /> further expressing the fact that heroin is on the rise in Indian River County. <br /> FDLE Byrne Fonnula Grant Application Package Grant Application <br /> Section M - Page 4 <br /> Rule 11 D-9.006 OCJG — 005 (rev. April 2004) <br />