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CIX <br /> f r <br /> J06 / - 6 oZ <br /> FM No : 230872-1 -52-01 <br /> 230872-1 -5A-01 <br /> FEID No : VF-596-000-679 <br /> STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br /> LOCALLY FUNDED AGREEMENT <br /> THIS Locally Funded Agreement ( "Agreement' ) , entered into this i l4' day ofJ=1MQ :2 102V <br /> 200 , by and between the State of Florida Department of Transportation hereinafter calle e <br /> DEPARTMENT, and INDIAN RIVER COUNTY located at 180127 TH Street, Vero Beach , Florida 32960 , <br /> hereinafter called the PARTICIPANT. <br /> WITNESSETH <br /> WHEREAS , the DEPARTMENT and the PARTICIPANT are desirous of having the DEPARTMENT make <br /> certain improvements in connection with Financial Management ( FM ) Number 230872-1 -52 -01 , 230872- <br /> 1 -5A-01 ( Funded in Fiscal Year 2008/2009 — 2009/2010) for Construction (and Construction Bonus) <br /> of 16th/17th Street from 500 feet west of 14th Avenue to 32 . 51 feet west of SR-5/US -1 in Indian <br /> River County , Florida ; and , <br /> WHEREAS , for purposes of this Agreement, improvements to be made as stated above are hereinafter <br /> referred to as the PROJECT ; and , <br /> WHEREAS , the improvements are in the interest of both the PARTICIPANT and the DEPARTMENT and <br /> it would be more practical , expeditious , and economical for the DEPARTMENT to perform such activities ; <br /> and , <br /> WHEREAS , the PARTICIPANT by Resolution No . 2009-006 adopted on Fehnjary i <br /> 2009, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, authorizes the proper officials to enter <br /> into this AGREEMENT . <br /> NOW, THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived from joint participation on the <br /> PROJECT , the parties agree to the following : <br /> 1 . The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are deemed incorporated herein . <br /> 2 . The DEPARTMENT shall be responsible for assuring that the Project complies with all <br /> applicable Federal , State and Local laws , rules , regulations , guidelines and standards . <br /> 3 . The PARTICIPANT agrees to make all previous studies , maps , drawings , surveys and <br /> other data and information pertaining to the Project available to the DEPARTMENT at no <br /> extra cost. <br /> 4 . The DEPARTMENT shall have the sole responsibility for resolving claims and requests for <br /> additional work for the Project. The DEPARTMENT will make reasonable efforts to obtain <br /> PARTICIPANT input in its decisions . <br /> 1 of 9 <br />