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C . Implementation Schedule (Date) : <br /> All incentives were implemented as scheduled <br /> D . Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to <br /> implement the Plan. <br /> Yes <br /> E . Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, ie . , are time frames being <br /> met, etc . ) <br /> All strategies are working as intended <br /> 2 . Attach a concise description of the support services that are available to the residents of <br /> affordable housing . <br /> The county in conjunction with financial institutions conducts a <br /> homebuyers ' educational workshop program for all applicants who request <br /> downpayment/closing cost assistance (see attachments regarding <br /> homebuyers ' education program) <br /> Consumer Credit Counseling provides assistance to applicants through <br /> lenders and through the homebuyers ' educational workshops <br /> The Indian River County Council on Aging provides various services to <br /> elderly and handicapped individuals including housing assistance <br /> The Housing Authority and Economic Opportunity Council provides <br /> housing assistance to qualified households <br /> The county staff provides one on one assistance to applicants for <br /> completing SHIP applications , resolving credit problems , referring <br /> applicants to appropriate financial institutions for acquiring first <br /> mortgages , and providing other assistance as needed <br /> The county SHIP staff in conjunction with local financial institutions , non- <br /> profit organizations , HUD staff, and others conducted information <br /> workshops in the Gifford area, Wabasso area, and Oslo area of the county <br /> which have a high percentage of minorities and low income households . <br /> 3 . Attach such other data or unique affordable housing accomplishments considered significant <br /> by your Agency. (success stories , newspaper clippings , etc . ) <br /> By the end of June 2004, the Indian River County LHAProgram had approved 84 <br /> loans with FY 02-03 funding. In administering the program , LHAProgram staff held <br /> several public meetings, placed newspaper advertisements , and sponsored radio <br /> advertisements and announcements . Because of these efforts, the LHAProgram is <br /> well known to the public, and there are many more eligible applicants than the county <br />