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Preliminary analysis indicates that the perimeter ditch will provide adequate conveyance for the 25 -year <br /> storm runoff. Control and conveyance of stormwater runoff from within the containment basin is discussed <br /> in Section 4 . 2 . 1 . <br /> 2. 3. 7 Dike Erosion and Vegetation <br /> The stability of the containment dike must also be ensured against erosion from rainfall runoff and <br /> wind . Immediately following dike construction , native grasses will be planted on the exterior dike slopes and <br /> crest (Figure 2 . 3 ) . While they quickly form soil binding mats , these grasses do not root so deeply as to <br /> weaken the dike . An acceptable turf cover may be planted by approved techniques of sprigging, sodding, <br /> or seeding (broadcast or hydroseeding), or a combination of these methods, as determined by the contractor. <br /> Contract responsibilities shall include the maintenance of the vegetation until adequately established , as <br /> certified by the COE or FIND ' s designated representative . Vegetating the dike in this manner will also <br /> improve the site ' s appearance. <br /> 2. 3. 8 Site Security <br /> Site security provided for the project area will restrict access, prevent vandalism and damage to site <br /> facilities, and ensure public safety. As stated in Section 2 .2, permanent security fencing will be erected <br /> around the site ' s upland perimeter (Figure 2 . 1 ) . Locked gates will control access to this area . The FIND and <br /> the Jacksonville District COE will hold the gate keys and distribute them on an as- needed basis to agents of <br /> the COE, dredging contractors, and other authorized parties . <br /> Site security is most critical during active dredging and dewatering operations . Therefore, a qualified <br /> facility operator must remain at the site at all times during active dredging operations and decanting <br /> procedures following a dredging event, as well as at any time when significant ponded water remains within <br /> the containment basin . Among his other responsibilities , discussed further in Chapters 3 . 0 and 4 . 0 , the site <br /> operator will ensure proper operation, adjustment, and maintenance of the weir and will prevent premature <br /> release of effluent through unauthorized weir operation . <br /> 23 <br />