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that may be deemed appropriate . The COUNTY shall prepare and submit for <br /> discussion at the annual meeting a_yearly summary report to include : <br /> 1 . COUNTY ' S management program and activities on the property . <br /> 2 . Status of visitor use . <br /> 3 . Review of special problems and concerns encountered over the <br /> previous year . <br /> The approved OMP shall provide the basic guidance for all management <br /> activities and shall be reviewed jointly by DISTRICT and COUNTY during the annual <br /> meeting and updated as necessary . The COUNTY shall not use or alter the Leased <br /> Premises except as provided for in the approved OMP without the prior written approval <br /> of DISTRICT . <br /> C . DISTRICT SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN : The DISTRICT and the U . S . Army <br /> Corps of Engineers will utilize and operate the site during Intracoastal waterway dredging <br /> operations. in accordance with Exhibit " B " which may be amended from time to time without <br /> prior notice to COUNTY . <br /> 12 . EASEMENTS : This LEASE is for the purposes specified herein , and <br /> easements of any nature are prohibited without the prior written approval of DISTRICT . <br /> Any easement not approved in writing by DISTRICT shall be void and without legal <br /> effect . <br /> 13 . SUBLEASES : This LEASE is solely for the purposes specified herein , and <br /> subleases of any nature are prohibited without the prior written approval of DISTRICT . Any <br /> sublease not approved in writing by DISTRICT shall be void and without legal effect . However , <br /> the DISTRICT acknowledges that the COUNTY intends to enter into an agreement with the <br /> 5 <br />