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distribution curves and/or Atterberg limits ; and suspended sediment- settling time curves representing the <br /> finest-grained sample from each boring location . <br /> The recommended inlet operation strategy, based on the sediment data presented above, reflects a <br /> poorly graded mix of fine sand and silt-sized particles . This strategy makes no attempt to segregate material <br /> grain - size fractions by inlet manipulation , although some segregation will occur naturally as a result of <br /> differential settling behavior as described above . Tom inimize the mounding ofthe coarsest sediment fraction <br /> and to distribute the deposited material more uniformly, the inlet pipeline should be repositioned during <br /> dredging operations . This will require extending the pipeline and resting each extension on the sediment <br /> mound formed at the previous position . A minimum distance of 100 ft must be maintained between the inlet <br /> and the inside toe of the dike to preclude erosion or undercutting the interior dike slope . This strategy will <br /> also reduce the concentration of the finest sediment nearest the weirs as each deposition mound captures a <br /> portion of the silt- sized particles . ( With a fixed discharge position , these particles would continually wash <br /> from the mound . ) The resulting deposition pattern should maintain a consistent slope from inlet to weir, <br /> should minimize dead zones and channelization, and should reduce the requirement for grading the deposited <br /> material to reestablish the desired 0 . 2% slope between successive dredging operations . <br /> 3. 2. 1 Monitoring Related to Inlet Operation <br /> During active dredging operations, several monitoring procedures related to inlet operations will be <br /> required . Ponding depth , as previously mentioned , is a critical parameter for maintaining acceptable <br /> containment basin performance. Increased ponding depth improves the basin ' s solids retention performance <br /> by increasing retention time. However, under saturated foundation conditions, unbalanced hydrostatic forces <br /> resulting from too great a ponding depth can lead to slope instability, slumping, and the potential for dike <br /> failure. Indications of impending dike instability" include evidence of seepage related to piping and <br /> foundation saturation at the outer dike toe and small-scale slumping . Obviously, such conditions must be <br /> avoided . Therefore, ponding depth should be increased above the 2- ft minimum mean depth only under close <br /> monitoring by visual inspection of dike integrity. As discussed in Section 2 . 2 .2 , a 2-ft mean ponding depth <br /> corresponds to a 2 . 8-ft depth at the weirs as a result of the initial slope of the basin interior. If no effluent <br /> is released at the weir, the output of an 18 - in . dredge ( i . e . , 3 , 560 cy/hr slurry at a 20/80 solids/liquid mix, or <br /> 2, 848 cy/hr liquid) will produce an increase in ponding depth of about 2 . 1 in ./hr and a rise in the water <br /> 29 <br />