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Immediately before the first placement operation at Site IR- 14, the weir crest should be set to an <br /> initial weir crest elevation of +3 . 6 ft NGVD to provide the recommended mean operational ponding depth <br /> of 4 . 0 ft . Thus, the initial maximum ponded water elevation at the facility ' s first use lies at or below the <br /> existing mean elevation within the basin footprint . Given the initial 0 .2% bottom slope within the basin , a <br /> 4 . 0 - ft mean ponding depth corresponds to a 4 . 8- ft depth at the weirs . The initial weir setting prevents the <br /> release of effluent until the ponded water reaches its recommended operational depth . During this initial <br /> operational phase, the design dredge discharge (3 , 560 cy/hr) will increase the ponding depth at a rate of <br /> approximately 2 . 1 in ./hr and increase the ponded water surface elevation ( ponding depth plus deposition <br /> layer) at a rate of approximately 2 . 6 in ./hr. This relatively slow rise should allow for close continual <br /> monitoring of the entire dike perimeter for indications of slope instability . Inspection is most critical during <br /> periods when the ponded water surface elevation is allowed to rise above its previous maximum . Experience <br /> has shown that as the ponded water percolates into the interior dike slope, the coarser dike material filters <br /> the fine suspended sediment . This filtering reduces the dike permeability and thus decreases the dike ' s <br /> susceptibility to piping and saturation . <br /> As stated above , no effluent should be released until the surface of the ponded water approaches the <br /> weir crests ' initial setting of +3 . 6 ft NGVD . Notably, a flow control structure such as a weir cannot improve <br /> effluent quality beyond that of the surface water immediately upstream . Thus , the decision to release effluent <br /> over the weirs should be based on the analysis of water samples taken immediately upstream of the weir at <br /> the maximum depth of withdrawal . For Site IR- 14, recommended WES procedures (Section 2 . 3 . 2 ) <br /> determined this depth to be 2 . 0 ft, based on the design dredge discharge of 3 , 560 cy/hr and a design weir <br /> loading of 0 . 89 ft'/ft- sec . If testing shows that the turbidity of the interior surface waters remains <br /> unacceptably high, the release of effluent must be delayed by one of two methods : ( 1 ) raising the weir crests <br /> by adding flashboards or (2) shutting down the dredge plant. Additional alternative measures may include <br /> installing turbidity screens surrounding the weirs . _ <br /> Once the weir has begun to release effluent that meets established performance criteria ( Section 2 .3 ), <br /> the outflow over the weir must not exceed the design dredge discharge, or 0 . 89 ft'/ft- sec . As discussed <br /> below, static head over the weir then becomes the most practical criterion to ensure that the flow over the <br /> weir, and thereby the effluent quality, remains within the design limits . <br /> 31 <br />