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3/15/2016 2:08:23 PM
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10/1/2015 1:19:29 AM
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Florida Inland Navigation District
Lease Agreement
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layer makes draining off all ponded water in this manner unlikely . As discussed , differential settling of the <br /> various size fractions of the sediment results in partial segregation of the dredged material within the <br /> containment basin . Coarser sand- and gravel - sized particles settle nearer the inlet, while finer particles <br /> concentrate nearer the weir . The sand-sized fraction , concentrated nearer the inlet , should experience <br /> relatively little consolidation because of its low initial water content. However, the fine material ' s greater <br /> consolidation will likely form one or more depressions nearer the weirs . To remove the ponded water that <br /> remains in these areas, a drainage trench must connect each depression to a sump excavated adjacent to one <br /> or more weirs. During this phase of operations , the weir crest must be raised to prevent the premature release <br /> of the ponded water which , as a result of the excavation , will likely contain a high concentration of suspended <br /> solids . Clarified water can then be released over the weir as soon as effluent turbidity standards are met. <br /> Following the removal of all remaining ponded water, evaporative drying will eventually form a <br /> crust over the layer of fine-grained material nearer the weir. This crust will trap water beneath its surface <br /> and retard continued evaporation . In addition , the desiccation cracks which quickly form in the crust will <br /> hold rainwater and limit further drying . Therefore, complete drying will require additional trenching . <br /> Initially, a perimeter trench can be excavated by dragline or clamshell operating from the crest of the <br /> containment dike . More intensive trenching must wait until a crust of significant thickness (greater than 5 <br /> to 6 in . ) has developed on the deposition surface . The crusted surface will allow the use of conventional low <br /> ground pressure equipment . A network of radial or parallel trenches should then be constructed throughout <br /> the area of fine sediment deposition . The depth of each trenching operation will be dictated by the slumping <br /> resistance of the semiliquid layer beneath the crust . Based on the projected mean thickness of the deposition <br /> to be placed in the IR- 14 containment basin (<2 . 0 ft, Section 3 . 3 ), adequate drying should require no more <br /> than two successive trenching operations . As an alternative to intensive trenching, the dried surface crust can <br /> be transferred to a more well-drained area of coarser material nearer the inlet . This would expose the wetter <br /> under layers and restore a relatively high rate of evaporative drying . <br /> The dewatering process will continue until the crust extends over the entire depth of the deposition <br /> layer. The time required to complete this phase of site operation will depend on the physical characteristics <br /> of the sediment, as well as climatic conditions (e . g . , rainfall , relative humidity, season , etc . ) . During the <br /> entire dewatering phase of the site operation, the weir must be operated to control the release of residual <br /> 37 <br />
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