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REFERENCES <br /> Gallagher (Brian J.) and Company. 1978 . Investigation of Containment Area Design to Maximize Hydraulic <br /> Efficiency. Technical Report D- 78- 12 . U . S . Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station , <br /> Vicksburg, MS . <br /> Palermo, M . R . , Montgomery, R. L . , and Poindexter, M . E. 1978 . Guidelines for Designing, Operating, <br /> and Managing Dredged Material Containment Areas. Technical Report DS-78 - 10 . U . S . Army <br /> Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station , Vicksburg, MS . <br /> Shields , F . D . , Jr. , Thackston , E . L . , and Schroeder, P . R. 1987 . Design and Management of Dredged <br /> Material Containment Areas to Improve Hydraulic Performance. Technical Report D- 87 -2 . U . S . <br /> Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS . <br /> Taylor, R. B . and McFetridge, W . F . 1989 . Engineering Evaluation of Proposed Dredged Material <br /> Transfer and Handling Operation . Taylor Engineering, Inc . , Jacksonville, FL . <br /> Taylor, R. B . , McFetridge , W. F . , and Schropp, S . J . 1997 , Long-Range Dredged Material Management <br /> Plan for the Intracoastal Waterway in Indian River . County, Florida. Taylor Engineering, Inc . , <br /> Jacksonville, FL , <br /> U . S . Army Corps of Engineers (COE) . 1993 . Draft Final Migratory Bird Protection Policy. U . S . Army <br /> Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, Jacksonville , FL , <br /> Walski, T. M . , and Schroeder, P . R. 1978. Weir Design to Maintain Effluent Qualityfrom Dredged Material <br /> Containment Areas . Technical Report D-78 - 18 . U . S . Army Engineer Waterways Experiment <br /> Station , Vicksburg, MS . <br /> Wettstein , C . A . , Noble, C . V . , and Stabaugh , J. D . 1987 , Soil Survey oflndian River County, Florida. Soil <br /> Conservation Service, U . S . Department of Agriculture, Washington , D . C . <br /> 43 <br />