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3/15/2016 2:08:23 PM
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10/1/2015 1:19:29 AM
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Florida Inland Navigation District
Lease Agreement
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to accept a spline that ties each board to the adjoining boards above and below . The splines, constructed <br /> from % -in . aluminum, %z -in. marine plywood, or other appropriate material and supplemented by <br /> appropriate sealants or lubricants (e. g. , beeswax or non-toxic grease) , will largely eliminate between- <br /> board leakage while they also significantly strengthen each individual board by transferring to the <br /> adjacent boards a portion of the bending moment produced by hydrostatic pressure. <br /> Third , to address the issues of adjustability, the modifications include installing steel or wooden <br /> cantilevered -beam hangers above each weir from which the contractor will hang commercially-available, <br /> adjustable scaffolding similar to that used in commercial painting or window washing . The scaffolding <br /> will provide the contractor ' s designated weir operators a safe means to lower the weir boards from the <br /> weir walkway to the correct level for installation . The scaffolding will also provide an adjustable work <br /> platform , safely suspended above the discharge flow, from which the weir operators can efficiently place <br /> and fasten the weir boards to the flange extensions . The remainder of this section discusses the concept of <br /> the required modifications in more detail . <br /> 2. 3. 1 I-Beam Channel Flange Extensions <br /> As stated above, the I-beam channel flange extensions will serve two functions. First, they will <br /> provide a wide and smooth surface against which the back (downstream) face of the weir boards will seat <br /> to form an effective, although imperfect, sea( . Although not completely water-tight, this seal will greatly <br /> reduce the likelihood of significant leakage around the ends of the boards . Second, they will also provide <br /> a means to connect and secure each weir board in position without resorting to wedges that may be <br /> dislodged by changes in water level or pressure . <br /> The contractor will fabricate the flange extensions from nominal 2x8 PT lumber (finished <br /> dimensions — 1 %Z in. x 7 % in . ) and install the wooden extensions vertically against the inside face of the <br /> downstream flange of each W8xl8 I-beam channel that holds the ends of the weir boards. Adjacent <br /> vertical members restrict access and prevent bolting the flange extensions through the I-beam flange <br /> itself. As a result , the flange extensions must be bolted through the flange of the adjacent C1503 . 9 <br /> channel , with a metal spacer or rubber bushing inserted between the outside face of the C-channel flange <br /> and the wooden flange extension (Figure 2 . 1a) . This length of the spacer or the compression applied to <br /> the bushing must be adjusted to insure that the flange extension remains parallel to the I-beam flange <br /> against which the flange extension must seat . <br /> - 6 - <br />
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