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EXHIBIT A <br /> (a thru f) Waterways Assistance Program Application Evaluation and Rating Worksheet <br /> (effective date 4-24 -06) ; and 93 -25 and 93 -25 (a, b and c ) Waterways Assistance <br /> Program Navigation Districts Application Evaluation and Rating Worksheet ( effective <br /> date 4-24- 06) , hereby incorporated by reference and available from the District office . <br /> ( 1 ) Funding Assistance Availability : In as much as the District has other fiscal <br /> responsibilities and operational needs, financial assistance to eligible government <br /> agencies shall not exceed an amount equal to eighty ( 80) percent of the proportional share <br /> of the District's ad valorem tax collections from each county in which such agencies are <br /> located . The District may make an exception to this funding limitation , if funds are <br /> determined to be available based upon the District's overall goals , management policies , <br /> fiscal responsibilities and operational needs , or in counties that are recovering from a <br /> state of emergency declared under Chapter 252 , F . S . <br /> (2) Project Funding Ratio : All financial assistance and support to eligible <br /> governmental agencies shall require , at a minimum , equal matching funds from the <br /> project sponsor, with the exception of public navigation projects that meet the provisions <br /> of subsection 66B -2 . 005 (7 ) , F . A . C . , land acquisition projects in accordance with <br /> subsection 6613 -2 . 005 ( 8) and Rule 66B -2 . 008 , F . A. C . , and small- scale spoil island <br /> restoration and enhancement projects that meet the provisions of Rule 6613 -2 . 014 , F . A . C . <br /> Applicant's in-house costs are limited pursuant to paragraph 66B -2 . 008 ( 1 )(c) , F . A . C . All <br /> financial assistance to seaports shall require equal matching funds . The District shall <br /> contribute no more than fifty percent ( 50%) of the local share of the cost of an inlet <br /> management or beach renourishment project . The District shall not contribute funding to <br /> both the state and local shares of an inlet management or beach renourishment project . <br /> (3 ) Pre- agreement Expenses : The project sponsor shall not commence work on an <br /> approved project element prior to the execution of the project agreement unless <br /> authorized by the Board during the review and funding approval process . Board <br /> authorization of pre- agreement expenses will be given for the commencement of work <br /> prior to the execution of a project agreement if the Board determines that there is a <br /> benefit to the District, its waterways or its constituents . All project costs must be incurred <br /> and work performed within the project period as stipulated in the project agreement <br /> unless pre-agreement costs are approved by the Board . Pre- agreement expenses will be <br /> approved if they are consistent with the provisions of Rule 6613 -2 . 008 , F . A . C . , and occur <br /> within the fiscal year of the grant application submission (October 1st to September <br /> 30th) . Pre- agreement expenses, except for projects approved by the Board as multi-year <br /> projects , will be limited to fifty percent ( 50%) of the project's total cost and if the <br /> expenses are eligible project expenses in accordance with this rule . Only one-half ( 1 /2) or <br /> less of the approved pre - agreement expenses will be eligible for reimbursement funding <br /> from the District , except for projects approved by the Board as multi-year projects . The <br /> Board shall consider a waiver of the limitation on pre- agreement expenses for Small . <br /> Scale Derelict Vessel grants and land acquisition projects when the applicant <br /> demonstrates a direct need and benefit and the project is in accordance with the <br /> applicable provisions of Chapter 6613 -2 , F . A . C . <br /> (4) Multi -Year Funding : The construction phase of projects that are large scale, <br /> involve multiple phases , have a construction time line of one year or longer, or are <br /> requesting a significant amount of assistance funding in relation to the total assistance <br /> available for the county where the project is located , will be reviewed and approved by <br />