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To serve as an oversight committee for the NSP program , Indian River County has <br /> established a NSP Citizen ' s Advisory Task Force ( CATF) . This committee will meet as <br /> needed to ensure that the program operates in accordance with all Local , State , and <br /> Federal requirements . <br /> III . TYPE OF ASSISTANCE <br /> All applicants considered for the NSP program must qualify under the strategy in which <br /> they apply for assistance . The steps taken by the County to solicit applicants and the <br /> criteria utilized to rank them shall be available for public review . <br /> To select participants for both the Home Ownership and Rental Strategies , the following <br /> steps will be taken : <br /> 1 . A display advertisement will be placed in one or more local newspapers of <br /> general circulation , advising local citizens of the availability of grant funds and <br /> establishing a convenient time and place for interested citizens to obtain information and <br /> pick up application forms to provide for eligible residents to be considered for inclusion <br /> in the program . Applications will be accepted by the County for a minimum of twelve <br /> ( 12 ) calendar days after the notice is placed . <br /> 2 . A list of qualified applicants will be compiled by each of the Non- Profit and/ or <br /> For- Profit Housing Organizations selected by the County to participate as a sub - recipient <br /> to help carry out one or more NSP strategies . Each sub - recipient shall inform their <br /> potential applicants who are eligible to participate in the NSP program to apply for NSP <br /> participation . All applicants considered as possible NSP beneficiaries must qualify for <br /> participation under the strategy they are being considered for . The steps carried out by <br /> the sub - recipient to solicit for applicants must also be made available to the County . <br /> 3 . The County ' s list of eligible SHIP applicants shall be included for consideration <br /> as potential beneficiaries . <br /> 4 . Local organizations which work with clientele that could qualify for the program <br /> will be contacted , and asked to refer their potential applicants for NSP participation to the <br /> CoUnty . <br /> In a situation where there are more applicants than NSP housing units available , the <br /> following ranking criteria will be utilized to rank qualified applicants : <br /> 1 . Applicants that were on the local government ' s affordable housing waiting list <br /> or a sub - recipient ' s waiting list for eligible participants . <br /> 2 . In the home ownership strategy , the applicants with the strongest credit <br /> ratings . <br /> 3 . Disabled and/ or handicapped heads of household . <br /> 4 . Applicants Heads of Household over 62 years of age . <br /> 5 . Applicants with large families ( five or more) . <br /> 6 . Applicants with small families (four or less) . <br />