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Official Documents
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Fred Fox Enterprises
Florida Department of Community Affairs
Florida Neighborhood Stabilization Program Application
Resolution 2009-018 Certification of Exemption HUD funded projects
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� . Ntaintaining the property during the period of time that the property is owned by <br /> the sub - recipient . <br /> 6 . Assist the applicant with the home buying process . <br /> For properties acquired with NSP funds and sold to a qualifying household , the buyer <br /> household will obtain a principal mortgage from a financial institution , while the local <br /> government will provide the purchasing household with a second mortgage . The second <br /> mortgage will be for an amount that reflects the difference between the purchase price <br /> and the principal mortgage amount . The second mortgage will be a zero interest , <br /> deferred payment loan for an unlimited term and shall be due and payable on sale or <br /> transfer of the property . <br /> 5 . HOMEOWNERSHIP ASSISTANCE <br /> Indian River County will utilize NSP funding to assist with closing cost assistance . All <br /> NSP funds utilized as closing cost assistance will be secured by a second mortgage on the <br /> residence . The second mortgage shall be in the form of a zero interest Deferred Payment <br /> Loan ( DPL ) . The DPL will be for an unlimited term and will be due and payable at the <br /> transfer of ownership of the property . The Deferred Payment Loan will be recorded as a <br /> second mortgage on the property . <br /> The Deferred Payment Loan will remain in force until ownership of the property is <br /> transferred . There will be no principal reduction during the life of the Deferred Payment <br /> Loan . The full amount of the Deferred Payment will be due and payable at the transfer of <br /> ownership of the property . <br /> 6 . HOMEOWNERSHIP COUNSELING <br /> All prequalified applicants participating in the home ownership program will be required <br /> to attend a minimum of 8 hours of HUD certified homeownership counseling prior to <br /> purchasing a property and must provide documentation of completion of a <br /> homeownership counseling course prior to scheduling a property closing . The cost for <br /> the homeownership counseling course will be paid with NSP funding and must be <br /> scheduled through the local government or the sub - recipient . <br /> 7 . CONFLICT OF INTEREST <br /> Any member of the County Commission or CATF , any local government employee , any <br /> board member or employee of a sub - recipient organization , any contract worker who is <br /> directly related to anyone working in the NSP Program , or relatives of any of these <br /> individuals , as defined by HUD and Florida Statutes , shall be ineligible for program <br /> participation unless he/ she is granted a waiver by the local government and the Florida <br /> This prohibition against participation in the NSP <br /> Department of Community Affairs . <br /> shall continue for one year after an individual ' s relationship with the local government , <br /> sub - recipient or contract worker has terminated . <br /> 10 <br />
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