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ENERGY SAVINGS GUARANTEE <br /> FPL ENERGY SERVICES , INC , herein after referred to as "The COMPANY ' , guarantees that, during each <br /> Guarantee Report period during the Savings Guarantee Term , the Equipment shall be capable of producing <br /> Annual Energy Cost Savings (defined below) in an amount equal to or greater than Annual Guaranteed <br /> Savings (defined below) for such annual period , subject to the OWNER' s , herein after referred to as " OWNER" , <br /> operation of the Equipment per the Operating Plan , adjustments which the COMPANY is entitled to make per <br /> the terms of this Savings Guarantee , and all other terms of this Savings Guarantee . <br /> This Savings Guarantee only applies to the designated Equipment specified in this Savings Guarantee <br />. <br /> Attachments and Exhibits to this Savings Guarantee are incorporated by reference . <br /> SECTION 1 . BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SAVINGS GUARANTEE <br /> (A) DEFINITIONS . <br /> Initially capitalized terms in this Savings Guarantee have the meaning described in Section 2 , and <br /> in the <br /> absence of such definition , as the context reasonably requires . <br /> (B) OWNER CONTROLLED VARIABLES AND OPERATING PLAN <br /> ( 1 ) For purposes of this Savings Guarantee, the OWNER represents, warrants, and agrees to <br /> operate the Equipment as required in the Operating Plan , to properly maintain (and replace , when necessary) <br /> the Equipment, to protect against and replace in the event of any casualty, and not to undertake any Changes <br /> which would adversely affect or reduce the Annual Energy Cost Savings . <br /> (2) In the event of any failure of the OWNER to operate per the Operating Plan or in the event of <br /> any Changes, the OWNER agrees to notify the COMPANY in writing within five ( 5) business days of any actual , <br /> anticipated , or intended variation from the Operating Plan or other Changes, whether before Substantial <br /> Completion or during the Savings Guarantee Term , which could impact any facility or Equipment to which this <br /> Savings Guarantee applies . Upon receipt of such a notice , or in any event if the COMPANY independently <br /> learns of any such Changes , COMPANY shall be entitled to adjust the Annual Energy Cost Savings to reflect <br /> Annual Energy Cost Savings to exclude any adverse impact of any such Changes. <br /> ( 3 ) Subject to the COMPANY preparing and submitting the annual Guarantee Report to the <br /> OWNER (with adjustments as described in this Savings Guarantee) , this Savings Guarantee is based upon <br /> M&V Option A as detailed in this Guarantee . <br /> (C ) UNDERSTANDING UTILITY BILLS <br /> ( 1 ) This Savings Guarantee and the Annual Energy Cost Savings in any Guarantee Report is not <br /> a representation , guarantee , or warranty that the actual dollar amount of utility bills of the OWNER <br /> will be <br /> reduced or lower than before, as so many other factors affect utility bills. This is only a guarantee <br /> that the <br /> Annual Energy Cost Savings will meet or exceed the Annual Guaranteed Savings during each respective <br /> annual measurement period during the Savings Guarantee Term if the Equipment is operated as required by <br /> the Operating Plan . As the OWNER has sole custody and control over the Equipment and any Changes , the <br /> COMPANY is permitted to adjust the Annual Energy Cost Savings so that the impact of any Changes are not <br /> attributed against COMPANY and so that the Annual Energy Cost Savings calculation is not adversely affected <br /> by Changes . <br /> (2 ) Cost savings , and actual utility bills , are two completely different concepts . Actual utility bills <br /> can be affected by many different reasons in the sole control of the OWNER , such as the OWNER changes in <br /> building occupancy , hours or times of day of use , the way that Equipment (or equipment not installed by the <br /> COMPANY) is operated ( hours , load level , environmental conditions , etc. ) , and maintenance . Actual utility bills <br /> can also be affected by increases in utility rates and government imposed taxes . <br /> Indian River County , Florida 1 Indian River County Phase 2 <br /> Phase 11 Rev . 10/09 <br />