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P,OOK P GE552 <br />Report of Licenses issued by the Tax Collector signed <br />by Judge Mank and Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector, was filed with the <br />Board. <br />The Board agreed to hold the next Regular meeting on <br />January 9, 1962, instead of January 2, 1962. <br />Ed Schmucker, County Engineer, reported that part of Fells - <br />mere Road #512 was being resurfaced and 12th Street to Kings Highway <br />is being soil cemented. <br />He reported that Mr. Morozoff was disturbed about the <br />public using a private street in front of his home and at times using <br />a portion of his front lawn. The County Engineer was instructed to <br />seek right-of-way from adjoining property owners and if they could be <br />acquired, the county would consider building a street. <br />Gladys Vigliano requested a leave of absence without <br />compensation, for the month of January because of health reasons. Upon <br />Motion made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald, <br />and unanimously carried, the request was granted. <br />Ed Schmucker, County Engineer, gave a brief report on the <br />meeting he and Mr. Waddell attending on Planning and Zoning in Tampa. <br />Homer Fletcher, Tax Assessor, appeared before the Board and <br />requested the Board to authorize adjustment on the following described <br />property; <br />Lot 4, less S 20 ft & Lot 5 Blk 6, Shadowlawn Sub. <br />Correct assessed value $160.00 <br />Correct Tax to be estended $8.17 <br />