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GeoSyntec Consultants <br /> Detail Labor Cost Summary Spreadsheet <br /> Associate/ Senior Project Project Assistant Senior Staff Word Admin Total Direct Loaded <br /> Principal Engineer Engineer Proj . Eng . Eng/Hydro Processor Clerical Hours Cost Cost <br /> Direct Labor Rate : $ 52 .41 $44 . 34 $ 30 . 81 $23 . 22 $22 . 11 $ 17 .47 $ 14 . 83 <br /> Task 1 : Well Labor Hours 2 18 3 80 2 4 109 <br /> Development Cost Subtotal $ 104 . 82 $ 554 . 58 $ 69 . 66 $ 15768 . 80 $ 34 . 94 $ 59 . 32 $ 2 , 592 . 12 $ <br />85269 <br /> Total Labor Hours 2 18 3 80 2 4 109 <br /> Raw Labor Cost $ 104 . 82 $ 554 . 58 $69 . 66 $ 15768 . 80 $ 34 . 94 $ 59 . 32 $2 , 592 . 12 <br /> Overhead Cost (x2 . 19) $229 . 56 $ 15214 . 53 $ 152 . 56 $ 33873 . 67 $ 76 . 52 $ 129 . 91 $ 51676 . 74 <br /> Total Labor Cost ' $334.38 $ 1 ,769. 11 $222 . 22 $5,642 .47 $ 111 .46 $ 189 . 23 $8,269 <br /> Notes: <br /> 1 . Total cost has been rounded to nearest hundred dollar, as requested by Indian River County. <br /> XR04025/Well Development.xls Page 2 of 5 2/9/2004 <br />