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asked for some relief from the County for the burial expense of colored <br />paupers. After considerable discussion in the matter and upon Motion <br />made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and <br />unanimously carried, $87.00 is to be paid for paupers to any Funeral <br />Director, paupers to be reported to the County Welfare Department for <br />investigation. <br />Homer Fletcher, Tax Assessor, presented to the Board a list of <br />lands zoned for agriculture, said list being filed in the public records <br />of the Clerk's Office. <br />Homer Fletcher, Tax Assessor, appeared before the Board and <br />requested authorization to budget in the Tax Assessor's Budget for the <br />calendar year 1962, an amount of $8,000.00 to purchase machinery for <br />computing, extending and printing the tax roll, together with any other <br />necessary equipment or furnishings for the Assessor's Office and to <br />authorize the purchase of same under "Plan No. 3" or equal submitted for <br />consideration by Howard B. Heller, Accounting Machine Sales, November 2, <br />1961, said plan having been submitted to the State Auditing Department <br />for examination and approval of same. The total purchase price is <br />$13,950.00. Upon Motion made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Com- <br />missioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, the request is granted. <br />Mr. Fletcher presented an itemized list of contract price and <br />payments to Hunnicutt and Associates for work authorized by Resolution <br />adopted June 6, 1961, and requested authorization to make final payment <br />on same. Upon Motion made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers, and unanimously carried, payment to Hunnicutt is authorized. <br />Mr. Fletcher asked that the following Proof of Publication be <br />recorded in the minutes. <br />feet 7 ai;E JIJV ' <br />