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structures ; adjacent drainage ; rights-of-way, restrictions , easements , encroachments , <br /> zoning , deed restrictions , boundaries and contours of the site ; locations , dimensions <br /> and necessary data pertaining to existing buildings , other improvements and trees ; and <br /> information concerning available utility services and lines , both public and private , <br /> above and below grade , including inverts and depths . All the information on the survey <br /> shall be referenced to a Project benchmark . <br /> § 2 . 1 . 5 The Design/Builder Owner shall furnish the services of geotechnical engineers <br /> when such services are stipulated in this Part 1 Agreement, or deemed reasonably <br /> necessary by the Design/Builder. Such services may include but are not limited to test <br /> borings , test pits , determinations of soil bearing values , percolation tests , evaluations of <br /> hazardous materials , ground corrosion and resistivity tests , and necessary operations <br /> for anticipating subsoil conditions . The services of geotechnical engineer(s) or other <br /> consultants shall include preparation and submission of all appropriate reports and <br /> professional recommendations . <br /> § 2 . 1 . 6 The Owner shall disclose , to the extent known to the Owner, the results and <br /> reports of prior tests , inspections or investigations conducted for the Project involving : <br /> structural or mechanical systems ; chemical , air and water pollution ; hazardous <br /> materials ; or other environmental and subsurface conditions . The Owner shall disclose <br /> all information known to the Owner regarding the presence of pollutants at the Project's <br /> site . <br /> § 2. 1 .7- The Owner shall furnish all legal , aGGGLIRting and iRGUFaRGeGGLIRseliRg sepviGe-s <br /> as may beReGessaFy at any time f9F thePFGjeGt , includiRg such auditing services as <br /> § 2. 1 .8 The Owner shall promptly obtain easements , zoning variances and legal <br /> authorizations regarding site utilization where essential to the execution of the Owner's <br /> program . <br /> § 2 . 1 . 9 Those services , information , surveys , and reports required by Sections 2 . 1 .4 <br /> through 2 . 1 . 8 (except for §2 . 1 . 7 ) which are within the Owner's control shall be furnished <br /> at the Owner's expense , and the Design/Builder shall be entitled to rely upon the <br /> accuracy and completeness thereof, except to the extent the Owner advises the <br /> Design/Builder to the contrary in writing . <br /> exGept as atherwise stipulated iR this Part 1 Agreement . <br /> § 2 . 1 . 11 The Owner shall communicate with persons or entities employed or retained by <br /> the Design/Builder through the Design/Builder, unless otherwise directed by the <br /> Design/Builder. <br /> 6 <br />