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Department of Evironmental Protection
Grant Award for Main Relief Canal Pollution Control Structure No. G0182
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DEP AGREEMENT NO, GO] 82 �7 <br />STATE OF FLORIDA O C) <br />GRANT AGREEMENT p� <br />PURSUANT TO <br />ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY GRANT AWARD <br />THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF <br />ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, whose address is 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 <br />(hereinafter referred to as the "Department" or "DBP") and the INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS, whose address is Department of Public Works, Stormwater Division, 1840 25°i Street, Vero Beach, <br />Florida 32960, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee" or "Recipient"), a local government, to provide financial assistance for <br />the Indian River County Main Relief Canal Pollution Control Structure. <br />WHEREAS, the Department is the recipient of federal financial assistance from the Environmental Protection <br />Agency (EPA); and, <br />WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection was awarded funding by the Environmental <br />Protection Agency pursuant to Grant Agreement No. C9-99451505-0; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Grantee has been determined to be a subrecipient of federal financial assistance from the U.S. <br />Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); and, <br />WHEREAS, the Grantee is responsible for complying with the appropriate federal guidelines in performance of its <br />activities pursuant to this Agreement. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual benefits to be derived herefrom, the <br />Department and the Grantee do hereby agree as follows: <br />1. The Grantee does hereby agree to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, <br />Attachment A, Grant Work Plan, and all attachments and exhibits named herein which are attached hereto and <br />incorporated by reference. For purposes of this Agreement, the terms "Contract" and "Agreement" and the terms <br />"Grantee", "Recipient" and "Contractor", are used interchangeably. <br />2. This Agreement shall begin upon execution by both parties and shall remain in effect for a period of forty-nine (49) <br />months, inclusive. The Grantee shall be eligible for reimbursement for work performed on or after the date of <br />execution and until the expiration of this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended to provide for additional <br />services if additional funding is made available by EPA and/or the Legislature. <br />A. As consideration for the services rendered by the Grantee under the terms of this Agreement, the <br />Department shall pay the Grantee on a cost reimbursement basis in an amount not to exceed $725,500 <br />toward the total project cost described in Attachment A. Written approval from the Department's Grant <br />Manger shall be required for changes between budget categories up to 10% of the total budget. The DEP <br />Grant Manager will transmit a copy of the written approval and revised budget to the DEP Procurement <br />Office and the DEP Contracts Disbursements Office for inclusion in the Agreement file. Changes greater <br />than 10% will require a formal amendment to the Agreement. <br />B. The Grantee shall be reimbursed on a cost reimbursement basis for all eligible project costs upon receipt <br />and acceptance of a properly completed Attachment B, Payment Request Summary Form. The Chief <br />Financial Officer requires detailed supporting documentation of all costs under a cost reimbursement <br />agreement. In accordance with the Attachment C, Contract Payment Requirements, the Grantee shall <br />comply with the minimum requirements set forth therein. Invoices shall be accompanied by supporting <br />documentation and other requirements as follows: <br />I. Salaries/Wages The Grantee shall not be reimbursed for direct salaries or multiplier (i.e., fringe <br />benefits, overhead, and/or general and administrative rates) for Grantee's employees However, <br />the Grantee may document these expenditures for meeting its match requirements. <br />DEP Agreement No. G0182, Page 1 of 10 <br />
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