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Edit this Header. Type the organization and program name and the funder for whom it is being completed. The page # is already set at the bottom <br /> right <br /> of every page. <br /> hours per week in program for each staff member and/or volunteers (this section <br /> should conform to the information in the Position listing on the Budget Narrative <br /> Worksheet), <br /> 1) Administrative Director must be a qualified instructor with , at least a college degree, <br /> administration skills and experience ; working 40hrs/week plus. Position is salary <br /> based. <br /> 2) Administrative/Staff Assistant must have supervisory skills, typing skills, data entry <br /> skills, the ability to form statistical reports and work with both office staff and <br /> students. This person will work at least 40hrs/week. <br /> 3) Clerical/staff assistant must have office skills and some bookkeeping knowledge. <br /> This person will assist instructors when needed and work up to 40hrs/week. <br /> 4) Two instructors ; that must be qualified with a Bachelors Degree and have special <br /> skills to work with at-risk students. They would have a 40 hrs. work week and the <br /> position is salary based. <br /> 5. How will the target population be made aware of the program? <br /> At the time of their suspension, students and parents are given an H.O.P.E. Academy <br /> brochure. We will continue to have Television and newspaper announcements. Posters are <br /> placed at Middle and High School campuses. At the beginning of the school year, the <br /> Administration staff will speak at PTA and SAC meetings, Open House and School <br /> Orientations. <br /> For the first time we plan to mail information about HOPE Academy to the Middle and <br /> High School parents at the beginning of the year. <br /> 6. How will the program be accessible to target population (i.e., location, transportation, <br /> and hours of operation) ? <br /> Parents of the students are the primary source of transportation. Since H.O .P.E. Academy <br /> is located in the central region of the district, transportation is provided by the school <br /> district when parents are unable to transport their child. Our hours of operation are <br /> synchronized with the regular school day which causes minimum disruptions in the <br /> family 's daily routine. <br /> 7 <br />