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that received scoring points or observations made by FCT staff during the site visit described in <br /> Rule 9K-7 . 009( 1 ) , F . A . C . : <br /> 1 . Two or more resource-based outdoor recreational facilities including a nature trail <br /> and fishing pier shall be provided. The facilities shall be developed in a manner that allows the <br /> general public reasonable access for observation and appreciation of the natural resources on the <br /> project site without causing harm to those resources . <br /> 2 . A permanent recognition sign, a minimum size of 4' x 6 ', shall be maintained in <br /> the entrance area of the project site . The sign shall acknowledge that the project site was <br /> purchased with funds from the Florida Communities Trust Florida Forever Program and the <br /> Recipient . <br /> 3 . Interpretive signage shall be provided to educate visitors about the natural <br /> resources and unique history of the Project Site . <br /> 4 . A survey of the natural communities and plant species on the project site shall be <br /> conducted prior to the development of the project site . The survey shall be used during <br /> development of the site to ensure the protection, restoration , and preservation of the natural <br /> communities on the project site <br /> 5 . The natural communities that occur on the project site shall be preserved and <br /> appropriately managed to ensure the long-term viability of these communities . <br /> 6 . The project site shall be managed in a manner that will protect and enhance the <br /> listed and non-listed native wildlife species and their habitat. The development of the <br /> management plan shall be coordinated with the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ' s <br /> Office of Environmental Services to ensure the preservation and viability of listed and non-listed <br /> native wildlife species and their habitat. Periodic surveys shall be conducted of listed species <br /> using the project site . <br /> 7 . The water quality and natural hydrology of St. Sebastian River shall be protected <br /> and enhanced through the implementation of appropriate watershed management techniques . <br /> 8 . Any proposed stormwater facility for the project site shall be designed to provide <br /> recreation open space or wildlife habitat. <br /> 9 . A comprehensive landscaping plan shall be developed for the project site . The <br /> landscaping plan will make significant use of native plants . <br /> 10 . Approximately 39 acres of degraded uplands shall restored in terms of biological <br /> composition and ecological function . <br /> 11 . The degraded wetland communities along the shoreline shall be restored the in <br /> 05-038-FF5 <br /> October 13 , 2005 <br /> Reimbursement <br /> - 10- <br />