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g . Additional documentation as may be requested by FCT to provide <br /> Reasonable Assurance as set forth in Section IVA . above . <br /> 2 . The FCT strongly encourages the Recipient to request a courtesy review of its <br /> Project Plan , prior to submission of the Project Plan for approval and release of funds . The FCT <br /> will recommend approval of complete and accurate Project Plans or disapproval of incomplete or <br /> insufficient Project Plans . Recipient is strongly urged to coordinate with the FCT staff in order <br /> that the FCT review of the Project Plan coincides with the closing date of the real estate <br /> transaction (s) associated with the project . <br /> 3 . Real estate transactions associated with the project may close only after FCT <br /> approval of the Project Plan and compliance with all purchase agreement requirements . In <br /> addition, pursuant to Rule 9K- 8 . 011 (4) , F . A . C . , the FCT shall publish a Notice of Approval for <br /> Florida Forever funds in the Florida Administrative Weekly that shall list each Project Plan that <br /> has received approval for funding and the amount of funding approved . Any person with a <br /> substantial interest that is or may be determined by the decision of the FCT to reject or approve <br /> the Project Plan may request an administrative proceeding pursuant to Section 120 . 57 , F . S . , <br /> within 21 days from publication of the Notice of Approval for Florida Forever funds . Real estate <br /> closings associated with the project may close only after expiration of the 21 -day notice period, <br /> so long as no requests for an administrative proceeding have been filed . <br /> VI . PROJECT SITE ACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS IMPOSED BY CHAPTER <br /> 259 AND CHAPTER 3809 PART III , F. S . <br /> RECIPIENT AGREES AS FOLLOWS : <br /> 1 . FCT shall approve the terms under which the interest in land is acquired , pursuant <br /> to Section 380 . 510( 3), F . S . Such approval is deemed given when the FCT approves and executes <br /> the purchase agreement for acquisition of the Project Site , fw ther described in Section V . La. <br /> above , to which FCT is a party. <br /> 2 . Title to the Project Site shall be titled in the Recipient , unless the Recipient <br /> specifically requests that title shall permanently vest in the Board of Trustees of the Internal <br /> Improvement Trust Fund (Trustees) . Such request shall be subject to the approval of FCT and the <br /> Trustees . The Recipient hereby elects that title to the Project Site shall be vested in <br /> Indian River County [Note : Insert either the <br /> name of Recipient or Board of Trustees of Internal Improvement Trust Fund . ] If the Recipient <br /> elects that title shall vest in the Trustees , then all acquisition activities shall be administered by <br /> the Division of State Lands as specified in Section 253 . 025 , F . S . , and Rule 18 - 1 , F. A . C . FCT <br /> signature of this Agreement shall constitute approval of this election . <br /> 02-059-FF2 <br /> 12/ 11 /2002 <br /> Joint Acquisition- <br /> - 13 - <br />