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10/24/2015 6:00:08 AM
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9/30/2015 7:34:53 PM
Official Documents
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Florida Communities Trust (FCT)
Indian River Farms Coastal Preserve
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Department of Community Affairs
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WHEREAS , the FCT Governing Board met on November 14 — 15 , 2002 , to score, rank, and <br /> select projects to receive approval for funding ; <br /> WHEREAS , the Recipient ' s project, described in an application submitted for evaluation, was <br /> selected for funding and in accordance with Rule Chapter 9K-7 , F . A . C . , and as more particularly <br /> described within this Agreement; <br /> WHEREAS , Rule 9K- 7 . 009 ( 1 ) , F . A. C . , authorizes FCT to impose conditions for funding on <br /> those FCT applicants whose projects are selected for funding; and <br /> WHEREAS , the purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the conditions that must be satisfied by <br /> Recipient prior to the disbursement of any FCT Florida Forever funds awarded, as well as the <br /> restrictions that are imposed on the Project Site subsequent to its acquisition with the Bond <br /> proceeds . <br /> NOW THEREFORE , FCT and Recipient mutually agree as follows : <br /> I , GENERAL CONDITIONS <br /> 1 . At least two original copies of this Agreement shall be executed by the Recipient <br /> and returned to the FCT office at 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, FL 32399 -2100 , as <br /> soon as possible and before January 13 , 2003 . If Recipient requires more than one original <br /> document, the Recipient should photocopy the number of additional copies needed, and then <br /> execute each as an original document. Upon receipt of the signed Agreements, FCT will execute <br /> the Agreements , retain one original copy and return all other copies that have been executed to <br /> the Recipient . <br /> 2 . This Agreement between the parties sets forth the requirements and <br /> responsibilities for acquisition and management of the Project Site , described in the application <br /> that was submitted and selected for funding by FCT (Application) . Since the entire Project Site <br /> has not yet been negotiated for acquisition, some elements of the project are not yet known, such <br /> as the purchase price, other project costs , and the terms upon which an owner will voluntarily <br /> convey the property. <br /> 3 . Approval for funding shall be until November 15 , 2003 . In the event that the <br /> Project Plan described in Section V . below has not been approved by the Expiration Date, this <br /> Agreement shall be terminated . The FCT may extend this Agreement beyond the Expiration <br /> Date if the Recipient demonstrates that significant progress is being made toward Project Plan <br /> approval or that extenuating circumstances warrant an extension of time . A request for an <br /> extension must be made in writing to FCT , fully explaining the reason for the delay and why the <br /> extension is necessary. If the Recipient does not request an extension, or if an extension is not <br /> 02-059-FF2 <br /> 12/11 /2002 <br /> Joint Acquisition- <br />
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