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7/15/2016 2:27:38 PM
Creation date
9/30/2015 8:42:40 PM
Official Documents
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Approved Date
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Agenda Item Number
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Grand Harbor North Land LLC Ecotech Consultants, Inc.
Grant of Restoration, Access and Recreation Easement
Environmental Learning Center
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The County may allow limited access to the Site for educational group tours <br /> under the supervision of appropriate County personnel . Public access to the Site <br /> shall be limited to Site visits scheduled by the County which shall coordinate all <br /> visits with Grand Harbor . It is anticipated that all visits will occur during the <br /> interval between one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset . No hunting , <br /> weapons or firearms of any type shall be permitted on the property . All local , <br /> state or federal regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over the Site shall be <br /> permitted access to the Site for purposes of ensuring compliance with local , state <br /> or federal regulations . The Site shall be accessible by County personnel and their <br /> agents , and regulatory agency personnel at all times for purposes of maintaining , <br /> operating , inspecting and monitoring the Site . No individuals , other than County <br /> personnel and their agents , regulatory agency personnel and Grand Harbor' s <br /> designees shall be allowed on the Site . <br /> 5 . When necessary , Grand Harbor will allow an access point to the Site . The <br /> County understands that it will be necessary to provide locations for its <br /> equipment , limited access and limited parking within the Site . Limited parking for <br /> educational tour buses and County personnel and their agents and regulatory <br /> agency personnel for the purposes described in Section 4 above will be provided <br /> at a location as agreed to by Grand Harbor and County . The duration of parking <br /> at this facility will be only for the length of the educational or inspection tour or as <br /> necessary for maintenance needs . Grand Harbor will provide access to the Site <br /> consistent with its upland development plans ; as an example , but not limited to , <br /> this may include traversing between two golf holes over a stabilized base . <br /> 6 . The County reserves the unrestricted right (except as provided for elsewhere <br /> within this agreement) within the Site to maintain the plant community described <br /> by the FDEP construction permit and , consistent with best management <br /> practices , including the management of the distribution and density of mangroves <br /> on the Site . However , the County agrees that mangroves located on the western <br /> perimeter of the western open water area on the Site as shown on Exhibit C shall <br /> be limited to no more than a density of 15 % so as to preserve the view from the <br /> Property to be developed by Grand Harbor to the ponds located on the Site . <br /> 7 , The County shall be the sole applicant and the sole permittee for any and all <br /> permits required for the improvement , construction , operation and management <br /> for the Site unless the County designates certain operational and management <br /> activities to others . The County or its designee , shall be the only entity with the <br /> right to alter the plant community , use chemicals of any type on - site for the <br /> control of plants or animals , and shall be the only entity with the right to stock fish <br /> of any type in the surface waters within the Site . <br /> 8 . A boardwalk may be constructed by the County for the purpose of facilitating <br /> access to the interior of the Site by County personnel and their agents for the <br /> purposes of monitoring and maintaining the Site and for educational tours . Such <br /> access shall be limited to pedestrian and wheel chair access only . No bikes , <br /> skateboards , or skates shall be allowed on the boardwalk . Grand Harbor shall <br /> 5 <br />
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