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R <br /> r <br /> 1 . 0 Introduction <br /> This handbook provides guidance to applicants (grove owners and grove <br /> caretakers) who wish to obtain funding under the Indian River Citrus Area ( IRCA) <br /> Water Quality/Quantity Protection Program (WQQPP) . It contains the necessary <br /> information to understand the program and the application form . Specific <br /> application procedures to be followed will vary depending on the sub- region where <br /> the farm is located and the local organization that has been contracted to deliver <br /> program funds on behalf of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer <br /> Services ( FDACS) . <br /> 2 . 0 Joint-Agency Water Resource Mandates <br /> The St . Johns River Water Management District ( District) was created by the Water <br /> Resources Act of 1972 ( Chapter 373 , Florida Statutes) , Section 373 . 016 sets forth <br /> the District' s purpose and scope . Similarly , the Florida Department of Agriculture <br /> and Consumer Services ( FDACS) has responsibility under sections 403 . 067 and <br /> 570 . 085 , Florida Statutes . These responsibilities include , but are not limited to , the <br /> following : <br /> a ) To provide for the management of water and related land resources ; <br /> b ) To promote the conservation , development and proper utilization of surface and <br /> groundwater ; <br /> c) To develop and regulate dams , impoundments , reservoirs and other works to <br /> promote water storage , for beneficial purposes ; <br /> d ) To minimize degradation of water resources caused by the discharge of storm <br /> water; <br /> e) To preserve natural resources , fish and wildlife ; and , <br /> f) To restore impaired waterbodies pursuant to the state ' s Total Maximum Daily <br /> Loads program . <br /> 3 . 0 Purpose of the Program <br /> This program has been established to promote agricultural BMPs ( refer to section <br /> 5 . 0 ) in the IRCA , in order to achieve the goals and objectives described primarily in <br /> Section 2 . 0 ( b ) , and to provide an overall water resource benefit to the Indian River <br /> Lagoon ( IRL) and Upper St . Johns River ( USJR ) watersheds . Through the program , <br /> FDACS will provide reimbursement for select agricultural practices that have <br /> potential water conservation , sediment control , and water quality benefits . It is <br /> anticipated that this program will provide area citrus growers with economic <br /> assistance that would facilitate their voluntary implementation of BMPs that would <br /> not otherwise be economically feasible . <br /> Revised 0 ;'21 ;02 3 <br />