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RESOUTION <br />WHEREAS, the Federal Government collecta.over 4.3 billion dollars <br />annually in gasoline and other automotive taxes for Federal attd highway un - <br />pray ements; <br />rnprovements; and <br />WHEREAS, only sixty per cent (60%) of these funds are placed in the High- <br />way Trust Find for Federal -aid highway improvements, and the other forty per <br />cent (40%), which amounts to over 1.7 billion dollars annually, is diverted to the <br />General Fund and used for other than road purposes; and <br />WHEREAS, this diversion of motor funds is depriving the motorists of • <br />almost 60, 000 miles of road improvements annually; and <br />WHEREAS, the House Committee of Ways and Means of Congress has before <br />it for consideration H. R. No. 8612, entitled "A National Home Rule'Road Program, <br />which provides for amendments to the Federal Aid Acts and Gasoline and Motor • <br />Vehicle Tax Acts, to require that all .Federal gasoline and automotive taxes be <br />placed in the Highway Trust Fund to be used exclusively for highway purposes; and <br />WHEREAS, said program will provide that sixty per cent (60%) of the Trust <br />Fund, the same amount that now is used, shall be allocated for improvements on <br />the Federal -aid Highway System; and the forty per cent (40%) that now is diverted <br />shall be allocated to the states for the improvement of state and local roads; one- <br />half of the funds to be used for state roads, the other half to be alloca$ed by the <br />states for the improvement of the local roads and streets in the Counties and cities; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, enactment of the National Home Rule Road Bill, H. R. No. 8612, <br />will end the federal diversion of motor revenues, help restore national prosperity, <br />provide employment for hundreds of thousands of men in the greatest state and <br />local road improvement program in our nation's history, promote the civic welfare <br />of every community and state in the nation, and help to reduce our state and local <br />road tax burden; therefore be it <br />RESOLVED, that we endorse the National Home Rule Road Bill, H. R. No. <br />8612, and inform our United States Senators and our Representatives in Congress of <br />our action, and request their aid and influence in getting the bill reported from the <br />House Committee of Ways and Means for prompt action by Congress; and be it <br />FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to United <br />States Senators Spessard L. Holland and George A. Smathers, Senate Office <br />Building, Washington, D. C., and to Congressman paul G.. Rogers <br />House Office Building, Washington, D. C., and to our local newspapers, radio and <br />television stations, to our Motor Clubs, Chambers of Commerce and other civic <br />groups for their information and cooperation. <br />Passed at a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners <br />of the County of Indian River in the State of Florida on the 22nd. , day <br />of May <br />1962. <br />Chairman <br />800K 7 rhuEt1 <br />