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3. Scope of Work. In addition to the specific components, specifications and plans which <br /> are more fully detailed in Hoover's Response dated October 28, 2007, to the Request for <br /> Proposal #2008021 , Hoover agrees to perform the following at the Sandridge Golf Club located <br /> at 5300 73`d Street, Vero Beach, Florida. <br /> a. Replace the pump station located behind the fust hole on the Dunes Course with a single <br /> stage end suction centrifugal type pump which will provide at least 120 PSI and 1 ,750 <br /> gallons per minute for golf course irrigation purposes. Hoover shall certify to the <br /> County that all equipment installed under this contract is capable of providing for this <br /> volume of water. <br /> b. Hoover shall use all new materials, parts and equipment. <br /> c. Hoover shall utilize the lake in close proximity to existing well location in order to <br /> utilize existing electrical service and main irrigation line. Hoover shall be responsible <br /> for connecting the new pump and equipment from the existing pump and equipment. <br /> d. Hoover will use the existing concrete slab and pump house to locate the new pumping <br /> system. <br /> C. Hoover agrees to remove and lawfully dispose of the existing pump together with all <br /> non-usable equipment. County shall be responsible for concrete repairs and to fill in old <br /> wet well. Hoover will supply temporary cover over wet well. <br /> f. Hoover agrees to guarantee all parts, labor, materials and equipment for a period of one <br /> year after acceptance by the County. If warranty work is required, Hoover shall provide <br /> a trained technician on site within 24 hours of notification from the County. <br /> g. Hoover shall obtain and pay for all licenses, permits and inspections fees required for <br /> this project . Hoover shall comply with all laws, building codes and ordinances <br /> applicable to this project. <br /> h. All current safety precautions shall be observed by Hoover during this project. Any <br /> property placed on the work site shall be at the risk of Hoover and/or their <br /> subcontractors and the County shall not be liable for any damage or loss to said personal <br /> property for any cause whatsoever. <br /> i. The new pump must be installed and operational in no more than five business days <br /> from the date Hoover begins work on site. <br /> 4. Insurance and Indemnity. Hoover, together with its subcontractors, will maintain the <br /> following minimum limits of insurance during the term of this agreement and shall provide <br /> evidence of said coverage being in effect by providing the County with a Certificate of Insurance <br /> listing Indian River County as an additional insured. Hoover and its subcontractors shall not <br /> commence work until they have obtained all the insurance required under this section, and until <br /> such insurance has been approved by the County' s Risk Manager: <br /> 2 <br />