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TREASURE COAST HCMMLESS SERVICES COUNCIL INC. CONTINUUM OF CARE <br />It will comply with Executive Orders 11625, 12432, and 12138, which state that program participants <br />shall take affirmative action to encourage participation by businesses owned and operated by members <br />of minority groups and women. <br />If persons of any particular race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, familial status, or disability <br />who may qualify for assistance are unlikely to be reached, it will establish additional procedures to <br />ensure that interested persons can obtain information concerning the assistance. <br />It will comply with the reasonable modification and accommodation requirements and, as appropriate, <br />the accessibility requirements of the Fair Housing Act and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of <br />1973, as amended. <br />Additional for S+C: <br />If applicant has established a preference for targeted populations of disabled persons pursuant to 24 <br />CFR 582.330(a), it will comply with this section's nondiscrimination requirements within the <br />designated population. <br />B. For SHP Only, <br />20 -Year Operation Rule. <br />For applicants receiving assistance for acquisition, rehabilitation or new construction: The project will <br />be operated for no less than 20 years from the date of initial occupancy or the date of initial service <br />provision for the purpose specified in the application. <br />1 -Year Operation Rule. <br />For applicants receiving assistance for supportive services, leasing, or operating costs but not <br />receiving assistance for acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction: The project will be operated <br />for the purpose specified in the application for any year for which such assistance is provided. <br />C. For S+C Only. Supportive Services. <br />It will make available supportive services appropriate to the needs of the population served and equal <br />in value to the aggregate amount of rental assistance funded by HUD for the full term of the rental <br />assistance. <br />D. Explanation. <br />Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such applicant <br />shall attach an explanation behind this page. <br />Signature of <br />Date: <br />May 16, 2006 <br />Chairman, Indian River County Board of County Commissioners <br />Applicant: <br />For PHA Applicants Only: <br />(PHA Number) <br />