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Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, <br /> searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency <br /> may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. <br /> HUD implemented the Line of Credit Control System[Voice Response System (LOCCS/VRS) to process requests for payments to grantees. Grant <br /> recipients fill out a voucher form for the applicable HUD program with all the necessary information prior to making a telephone call using a touch tone <br /> telephone to initiate the drawdown process. The grantee will be prompted for entering the information and for confirming information that is spoken back <br /> by the VHS simulated voice. This information is required to obtain benefits under the U. S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended. The information requested <br /> does not lend itself to confidentiality. <br /> Privacy Act Statement: Public Law 97-255 , Financial Integrity Act, 31 U . S . C . 3512, authorizes the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- <br /> ment (HUD) to collect all the information which will be used by HUD to protect disbursement data from fraudulent actions . The Housing and Com- <br /> munity Development Act of 1987, 42 U . S . C.3543 authorizes HUD to collect the SSN . The purpose of the data is to safeguard the Line of Credit <br /> Control System (LOCCS) from unauthorized access. The data are used to ensure that individuals who no longer require access to LOCCS have <br /> their access capability promptly deleted . Provision of the SSN is mandatory. HUD uses it as a unique identifier for safeguarding the LOCCS from <br /> unauthorized access . This information will not be otherwise disclosed or released outside of HUD, except as permitted or required by law. Failure <br /> to provide the information requested on the form may delay the processing of your approval for access to LOCCS. <br /> Instructions for the <br /> LOCCS Voice Response Access Authorization <br /> Security Form <br /> 1 . Type of Function : 4 . Recipient Organization for which Authority is being re- <br /> 1 quested. This will identify the organization the user will be <br /> ( ) New User: Userdoess not currently have res. user ID. representing. Enter the organization's Tax ID and organiza- <br /> tion <br /> must be notarized with original signatures. g <br /> tion name. <br /> (2) Reinstate User: Used to renew the user's access autho- <br /> rization in LOCCS . Form must be notarized with original 5 . Program Authority. Identify the HUD program(s) this user <br /> signatures. will be authorized to access for the recipient organization and <br /> then enter the corresponding code(s)/name(s) . [Program <br /> (3) Terminate User: will immediately terminate the user's Office should provide this information.] <br /> access authorizations in LOCCS . <br /> - a./b . Contact your local HUD Field Office for the appropriate <br /> (4) Reset Password for active users : A temporary pass- 3 or 4-character LOCCS Program Area/Name <br /> word will be mailed back to the user to inform him/her of the <br /> reset password's value. The user will be required to change c . Enter either "Q " for Query only access , " D" for Project <br /> the password on the next access to LOCCS . Drawdown access . Users who select Project Drawdown <br /> access, Project Set-Up access, or Administrative Drawdown <br /> (5) Add new Program Area or Tax ID : User has a current access will automatically receive Query access. Persons who <br /> user ID and will be increasing access capability. have Project Set-Up Authority for a given Tax ID cannot also <br /> (6) Change Tax ID : User has a current ID and will be have Project Drawdown Authority for the same Tax ID . " S " <br /> changing the Tax ID. This function is not to be used to change and "A " are reserved for use with the HOME and HOPE <br /> approving official, or substitute a user. Contact Field Office Programs. <br /> contact for procedures. 6. Signature. The signature for whom access is being re- <br /> (7) Change Address : User is changing the current mailing quested and the date (mm/dd/yyyy) this authorization was <br /> address. signed. <br /> send <br /> 7 . Approval. Enter the name, title, SSN (social security num- <br /> User-ID <br /> um- <br /> Use ReLOUser-ID- User has no knowledge of existing ber), office phone, office address, signature and date from/ <br /> dd/yyyy) of the approving official representing the recipient <br /> 2 a. User ID : This block will be filled in by the LOCCS organization . Approving officials cannot approve them- <br /> Security Officer for all ID 's . selves for access to the system, and must be the user's <br /> b . Social Security Number : Mandatory . Used to preclude supervisor. <br /> duplicate issuance of authorization for the same person. See 8 . Notary. Must be different from user and approving official . <br /> the Privacy Act Statement above . [Do not user Federal Tax Seal and signature of the official who notarizes this form and <br /> ID Number] date (mm/dd/yyyy). Notary should notarize both signatures . <br /> 3 . User Information: All fields are mandatory. Failure to Notary is only required for new user and reinstate user. <br /> enter any of these fields will cause the security request to be <br /> rejected . Enter the user's last name, first name, and middle <br /> initial . Enter the user's office phone number. Include the area <br /> code. Enter user's mailing address, city, State and zip code. <br /> Previous editions are obsolete. Page i form HUD-27054 (06/2003) <br />