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C. Identify the procurement method used to select the vendor. <br /> This section not applicable. <br /> 3 . The following information required for advances to Governmental Entities and Non-Profits pursuant to 216. 181 , Florida Statutes. (Limited to <br /> GAA Authorized, Statutorily Authorized, and Grant & Aid Appropriation Cate ories 05XXXX or 14XXXX <br /> A. The entity acknowledges the requirement to invest advance funds in an interest bearing account and to remit interest earned to the Department <br /> on a quarterly basis. <br /> Provide a description of how the entity intends to invest the advanced funds and track the interest earned on the advanced funds: <br /> Remittances must : 1 ) be identified as interest earnings on advances, 2) must identify the applicable DEP Agreement (or Contract) No., and <br /> 3) be forwarded to the following address : <br /> Florida Department of Environmental Protection <br /> Bureau of Finance and Accounting <br /> Receipts Section <br /> P. O. Box 3070 <br /> Tallahassee, Florida 32315 -3070 <br /> B . A letter requesting advance payment from the recipient, on its letterhead, must be attached. <br /> Attachment B . DEP Agreement No . H51RI , Page 2 of 3 <br />