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Florida Department of Community Affairs
Disaster Relief Funding Agreement Hurricane Jeanne
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B . Office of Management and Budget Circular No . A- 87, "Cost Principles for State and Local <br /> Governments," as amended; <br /> C . Office of Management and Budget Circular No . A- 110, "Uniform Administrative Requirements for <br /> Grants and Other Agreements with institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations," <br /> as amended; and <br /> D. Office of Management and Budget Circular No . A- 122, "Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations," <br /> as amended. <br /> E. Subgrantee will maintain all documentation concerning the projects funded under this Agreement until the <br /> occurrence of the following events, whichever is the later: <br /> 1 . The completion of final inspection and final audit, and the final resolution of any issues identified <br /> in the same; or, <br /> 2 . The expiration of three (3 ) years from the date of disaster closeout under this Agreement. <br /> F . Subgrantee shall make all documentation concerning the projects funded under this Agreement available <br /> and accessible to the Comptroller General of the United States, the Grantee, and the Federal Emergency Management <br /> Agency between 8 :00 a.m . and 5 : 00 p .m . on weekdays other than official holidays. <br /> ARTICLE XI. Reimbursement of Funds. If upon final inspection, final audit, or other review by Grantee, <br /> the Federal Emergency Management Agency or other authority determines that the disbursements to Subgrantee under <br /> this Agreement exceed the eligible costs, Subgrantee shall reimburse to Grantee the sum by which the total <br /> disbursements exceed the eligible costs within forty-five (45) days from the date Subgrantee is notified of such <br /> determination . <br /> ARTICLE XII. Audit. Subgrantee shall submit an Audit of Agreement Compliance to Grantee, and shall <br /> have an independent audit performed by a Certified Public Accountant if its total expenditures of federal financial <br /> assistance for the most recent fiscal year equal or exceed $500,000. 00 . <br /> A. Subgrantee will conduct the audit in accordance with the following requirements : <br /> 1 . The standards established by the Comptroller General of the United States, as specified in the <br /> General Accounting Office Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities and Functions ; <br /> 2 . The standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; <br /> 3 . The requirements of § 11 .42, Fla. Stat. , and the Rules of the Auditor General ; <br /> 4 . The requirements of the Single Audit Act of 1984, Pub. L . 98-502, as amended, 31 U. S .C . § § <br /> 7501 - 7507, to the extent here applicable; and, <br /> 5 . Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A- 133 , as amended, to the extent here applicable. <br /> B . The audit shall be identified by the serial contract identification number for this Agreement. If the <br /> Subgrantee is a private nonprofit organization, it shall submit an organization-wide audit. <br /> C . The audit shall be due not later than seven (7) months after the close of the fiscal year for Subgrantee <br /> except where Grantee and Subgrantee have mutually agreed upon another date. <br /> D. Subgrantee shall conduct such additional audits as Grantee or the Federal Emergency Management <br /> Agency may determine necessary to determine the adequacy, accuracy, and reliability of the internal procedures <br /> 5 <br />
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