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eoo� 7 <br />TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1962 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, met <br />at the Courthouse, Vero Beach, Florida, in a regular meeting held at <br />8:00 o'clock, A. M., Tuesday, August 21, 1962. Present were Robert W. <br />Graves, Chairman, Donald Macdonald, J. J. P. Hamilton and B. Q. Waddell. <br />Absent was D. B. McCullers. Also present were Ed Schmucker, County <br />Engineer, John Gould, Attorney, Al Webber and Freda Wright, Deputy Clerks. <br />W. E. "Kinky" Orth, representing Hibiscus Airport, appeared <br />before the Board and expressed is views on the airport. He stated that <br />the airport was a public airport and a capital asset to the community <br />and he felt the county should contribute to its operation costs. He also <br />felt that they were entitled to a portion of the monies from the Florida <br />Development Commission because they had contributed considerably to this <br />Commission. After considerable discussion, the Chairman advised him that <br />it was the opinion of the County Attorney, that this airport was a private <br />enterprise and that there is no legal way they could contribute to a <br />project of this nature. He also requested the County Attorney to write <br />for the Attorney General's opinion. <br />The County Attorney gave his opinion with regard to entering <br />into a contract with Florida Power and Light Company for installing and <br />lighting of various county intersections, the same being that the Board <br />could not legally do so. The County Attorney was write for <br />the Attorney General's opinion on this matter. <br />The Chairman stated that Mrs. Pahorsky is now deceased and in- <br />quired as to what steps the county would have to take in order to collect <br />their claim from the estate. The County Attorney advised them that they <br />could appoint someone as administrator for the county. Mofion was made <br />by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unanimously <br />carried, that the County Engineer be appointed to represent the county. <br />The County Engineer presented to the Board sketches of the <br />proposed bulkhead line for AlA and also read a letter that would accompany <br />Ole sketch to the various property owners, all of which appeared very <br />