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7 . 4 CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or <br /> indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing underground facilities at or <br /> contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said <br /> underground facilities . No additional examinations , investigations , explorations , tests , <br /> reports , studies or similar information or data in respect of said underground facilities are <br /> or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the work at the <br /> Contract Price , within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and <br /> conditions of the Contract Documents , including specifically the provisions of Paragraph <br /> 4 . 3 of the General Conditions . <br /> 7 . 5 CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations , examinations , <br /> investigations , explorations , tests , reports and studies with the terms and conditions of the <br /> Contract Documents . <br /> 7 . 6 CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts , errors or <br /> discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution <br /> thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR . <br /> ARTICLE 8 . CONTRACT DOCUMENTS . <br /> The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and <br /> CONTRACTOR concerning the work consist of the following : <br /> 8 . 1 This Agreement (Section 00530) . <br /> 8 . 2 Performance and other bonds (Sections 00610 and 00620) . <br /> 8 . 3 Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed . <br /> 8 . 4 General Conditions (Section 00700) . <br /> 8 . 5 Supplementary Conditions (Section 00800) . <br /> 8 . 6 Specifications bearing the title "Central and South WWTF Odor Control <br /> Improvements" as listed in the table of contents hereof. <br /> 8 . 7 Drawings , inclusive with each sheet bearing the following general title : "Central <br /> and South WWTF Odor Control Improvements" <br /> 8 . 8 Addenda numbers 1 to 1 , inclusive . <br /> 8 . 9 CONTRACTOR' S Bid (Section 00310) . <br /> 8 . 10 Indian River County Water and Wastewater Utility Standards . <br /> 00530-5 <br /> \\Admin-i7etgvfsg\genera l_data\Company\59013 - Indian River County\Contract\00530 EJCDC - Agreement between Owner and <br /> Contractor. doc <br />