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FORM 525-010-01 <br />POLICY PLANNING <br />OGC - 07/03 <br />23 Code of Federal Regulations 450.324 and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes. <br />"Unified Planning Work Program" (UPWP) is the annual program developed in cooperation with the <br />Department and public transportation providers, that lists all planning tasks to be undertaken during a program <br />year, together with a complete description thereof and an estimated budget, all as required by 23 CFR 450.314, <br />and Section 339.175(8), Florida Statutes. <br />ARTICLE 2 <br />PURPOSE <br />Section 2.01. General Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the Indian River County <br />Metropolitan Planning Organization: <br />(a) To assist in the development of transportation systems embracing various modes of <br />transportation in a manner that will maximize the mobility of people and goods within and through this <br />metropolitan area of this state and minimize, to the maximum extent feasible for transportation -related fuel <br />consumption and air pollution; <br />(b) To develop transportation plans and programs, in cooperation with the Department, which plans <br />and programs provide for the development of transportation facilities that will function as multi -modal and an <br />intermodal transportation system for the metropolitan area; <br />(c) To implement and ensure a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning <br />process that results in coordinated plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned <br />development of this affected metropolitan area in cooperation with the Department; <br />(d) To assure eligibility for the receipt of Federal capital and operating assistance pursuant to 23 <br />U.S.C. 34 and 49 U.S.C. 5303, 5304, 5305 and 5306; and <br />(e) To carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process, in cooperation with the <br />Department as required by 23 U.S.C. 134 and 49 U.S.0 5303, 5304 5305 and 5306; 23 CFR 420 and 450, and <br />49 CFR Part 613, Subpart A: and consistent with Chapter 339, Florida Statutes, and other applicable state and <br />local laws. <br />Section 2.02. Major MPO Responsibilities. The MPO is intended to be a forum for cooperative <br />decision making by officials of the governmental entities which are party to this Agreement in the development <br />of transportation -related plans and programs, including but not limited to: <br />(a) The Long-range Transportation Plan; <br />(b) The Transportation Improvement Program, <br />(c) The Unified Planning Work Program, <br />(d) A congestion management system for the metropolitan area as required by state or federal law; <br />(e) Assisting the Department in mapping transportation planning boundaries required by state or <br />federal law; <br />
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