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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1962 <br />The Board of County Commisgioners of Indian River County, met at <br />,.the Courthouse, Vero Bedch,'Floyida in a special meeting held at 9:00 <br />o'clock, A. M., Friday, October 5, 1962. Present were Robert W. Graves, <br />Chdirman,'Dondld Macdonald, B. Q. Waddell and,J. J. P. Hamilton. Absent <br />was D. B. McCullers. Also present were Ed Schmucker, County Engineer, <br />John Gould, attorney, Al Webber and Freda Wright, Deputy Clerks. <br />The Board then re -convened as an-Equalizdtion Board, as provided <br />by law. <br />The Chairman asked if there were any personspresentwho wished <br />to be heard on the new assessments. Attorney L. B. Vocelle, representing <br />Mr. Joseph Bednar, stated that Mr. Bednar felt that his assessments were <br />too much on his property in Highland Park and Royal Fdrk and gave his <br />reasons to support the complaint. <br />W. E. "Kinky" Orth, also represented by Attorney Vocelle, stated <br />that they wished the records to show that they were requesting a lower <br />assessment on approximately 70 acres of the Indian River Flying Service <br />property which is now being used for runway for the airport. After consi- <br />derable discussion, Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by <br />Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, that the record show that <br />the complaint was received and the Board is in sympathy with it, but find <br />themselves without means to correct it. <br />Attorney Cory Walker, representing R & L Realty Corporation, asked <br />for a reduction of the assessment on the following described property: <br />Beginning at the SW corner of SE4 of NW4 of Section 12, Township 33 South, <br />iZdnge 39 East, thence run North along West line of said SE4 of NW4 a dis- <br />tance of 579.50 feet, thence East 342 feet to West right of way of FEC Ry., <br />thence run West along said center line to beginning,less 210 feet etc. <br />After reviewing and considering the various complaints the follow- <br />ing motions were made. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Waddell, and unanimously carried, that no action be taken on the assessment <br />of Mr. Bednar's lot in Royal Park, as it was found to be equitable to other <br />property in the area. <br />