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WHEREAS, Section 163 .3180( 13)(g), Florida Statutes, requires that, prior to establishing a School <br /> Concurrency program, the County, Cities and School Board adopt an Interlocal Agreement for School <br /> Concurrency to satisfy Sections 163 .31777 and 163 .3180 ( 13 )(g), Florida Statutes; and <br /> WHEREAS, the County and Cities, also known as the "Local Governments," and School Board are <br /> entering into this Agreement in order to satisfy the requirement in Section 163 .3180( 13)(g)(4), Florida Statutes, <br /> that the agreement establish a process for the preparation, amendment, and joint approval by the Parties of a <br /> financially feasible capital facilities program that will result in public schools operating at the adopted level of <br /> service consistent with the timing specified in the School District' s Five-Year Facilities Work Program, and the <br /> School Board ' s further commitment to update and adopt the plan yearly to add enough capacity in the new fifth <br /> year to address projected growth and to adjust the plan in order to maintain the adopted level of service and to <br /> demonstrate that the utilization of school capacity is maximized to the greatest extent possible, taking into <br /> account transportation costs and court-approved desegregation plans, as well as other factors, pursuant to <br /> Section 163 . 3180 ( 13 )(g)(5) and 1013 .35 , Florida Statutes; and <br /> WHEREAS, the County and School Board had a "Memorandum of Understanding" forjoint review of <br /> new school sites and joint review of school site plans from 1986 until it was superseded by an Interlocal <br /> Agreement in 2003 ; and <br /> WHEREAS, the County, Cities and School Board have mutually agreed that coordination of school <br /> facility planning and comprehensive land use planning is in the best interests of the citizens and students of <br /> Indian River County; and <br /> WHEREAS, to achieve such coordination, Section 163 .3 1 80( 13 )(b) l , Florida Statutes, requires that the <br /> Parties "establish jointly adequate level of service standards" to be applied in implementing school concurrency, <br /> and Section 163 . 31777(2)(a), Florida Statutes, requires that the Parties "agree and base their plans on consistent <br /> projections of the amount, type, and distribution of population growth and ' student enrollment; " and <br /> WHEREAS, the County has jurisdiction for land use and growth management decisions within its <br /> unincorporated boundaries and the Cities have similar jurisdiction within their boundaries; and <br /> WHEREAS, the School Board has the responsibility to make the best use of public school facilities to <br /> ensure a free and adequate public education to the residents of Indian River County; and <br /> WHEREAS, the County, Cities and School Board agree that they can better fulfill their respective <br /> responsibilities by working in close cooperation to ensure that adequate public school facilities are available for <br /> the residents of Indian River County; and <br /> WHEREAS, the School Board, is entering into this Agreement in reliance on the obligation of the <br /> County and Cities to adopt amendments to their local comprehensive plans to impose School Concurrency as <br /> provided in Section 163 . 3180(13 ), Florida Statutes; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE , be it mutually agreed that the County, the School Board and the Cities, <br /> (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Parties") hereby enter into this Agreement, and that the following <br /> procedures and requirements will be followed and met to establish School Concurrency and to coordinate land <br /> use and public school facilities planning: <br /> F.Xommunity Development%Users0.0NG RANGDCompPlan AmendmeWPubhc Schools\UpdatesVLA\ANAL IRC Interlocal Agreement - January 31, 2008.doc <br /> 2 <br />