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may include an analysis of school by school cohort trends, county-wide housing and demographic trends, <br /> the most recent DOE Capital Outlay Full Time Equivalent (COFTE) forecast, boundary changes, and <br /> program changes . <br /> Maximized Utilization: The use of Student Capacity at each school, to the greatest extent possible, based on <br /> the Level of Service Standard and the total number of Permanent Student Stations according to Student <br /> Capacity taking into account special considerations such as, Core Capacity, Program Capacity transportation <br /> costs, geographic impediments, court ordered desegregation, and requirements to prevent disparate <br /> enrollment levels between the same Type of School and provide an equitable distribution of student <br /> enrollment district-wide . <br /> Party: A government that has signed this interlocal agreement. This includes the Indian River County Board of <br /> County Commissioners, City or Town Council of the Cities of Fellsmere, Sebastian, Vero Beach , and the <br /> Town of Indian River Shores, and the School Board of Indian River County. <br /> Permanent Classroom : An area within a school that provides instructional space for the maximum number of <br /> students assigned to a teacher, based on the constitutional amendment for class size reduction and is not <br /> moveable ( including classroom additions which have received covered walkways and technology <br /> upgrades). A Permanent Classroom includes any temporary classroom if it meets the standards for long- <br /> term use pursuant to Section 10 13 .20, Florida Statutes <br /> Permanent Student Station : The floor area in a permanent classroom required to house a student in an <br /> instructional program ( 100% of FISH Capacity) . <br /> Program Capacity: The capacity of a school once Core Capacity and the space needs for programs including, <br /> but not limited to, English as a Second Language (ESOL), and other special programs, such as programs for <br /> the emotionally handicapped, autistic and varying exceptional ities, have been addressed. <br /> Proportionate Share Mitigation : A developer improvement or contribution identified in a binding and <br /> enforceable agreement between the Developer, the School Board and the Local Government with <br /> jurisdiction over the approval of the Development Order to provide compensation for the additional demand <br /> on deficient public school facilities created through the Proposed Residential Development, as set forth in <br /> Section 163 . 3180( 13)(e), F . S . Florida Statutes. <br /> Proposed Residential Development : Any application for new Residential Development, or any amendment to <br /> a previously approved Residential Development, which results in an increase in the total number of housing <br /> units. <br /> Public Schools Facilities Components: Collectively, the Public Schools Facilities Element, the School District <br /> Educational Facilities Plan, the Amended Intergovernmental Coordination Element, the Amended Capital <br /> Improvements Element, and the School Interlocal Agreement. <br /> Residential Development: Any development that is comprised of dwelling units, in whole or in part, for <br /> permanent human habitation . <br /> School Attendance Zone : The area enclosed by Attendance Boundaries. <br /> School Board : The governing body of the Indian River County School District, a body corporate pursuant to <br /> Section 100 1 .40, Florida Statutes, and Article IX §4, Florida Constitution . <br /> F_'.Community Development\UserslONG RANGLCompPlan Ainendnlents\Pubhc Schools\Updates\ILA\FINAL IRC Interlocol Agreement - January 31 , 2008.doc <br />