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h. The consideration of School Board comments on comprehensive plan amendments and other land - <br />use decisions. <br />i. The availability of existing permanent school capacity or planned improvements to increase school <br />capacity. <br />7.7 In formulating neighborhood plans and programs and reviewing large residential projects, the county and <br />the cities will consider the following: <br />a. Encouraging developers or property owners to provide incentives to the School Board for building <br />schools in their neighborhoods. These incentives may include, but not be limited to, donation of <br />site(s), reservation or sale of school sites at pre -development prices, construction of new school <br />facilities or renovation to existing school facilities, and provision of transportation alternatives. <br />b. Scheduling county and city programs and capital improvements that are consistent with and meet <br />the capital needs identified in the School Board's school facilities plan. <br />C. Providing school sites and facilities within planned neighborhoods. <br />Section 8. Educational Facilities Report and Five -Year District Facilities Work Program <br />8.1 At least one year prior to preparation of the Educational Plant Survey update (as defined in Chapter 1013, <br />Florida Statutes), the staff working group established in subsection 1.1 of this Agreement will assist the <br />School Board in an advisory capacity in the preparation of the update. The staff working group at one of its <br />two annual meetings will evaluate and make recommendations regarding the location and need for new, or <br />improvements to existing, educational facilities in terms of consistency with the local government <br />comprehensive plan, and relevant portions of this Agreement. <br />8.2 As described in Section 4.2 of this Agreement the School Board by November 1't of each year will provide <br />the proposed annual update of the five-year district facilities work program to each local government for <br />review and comment. Each local government shall review the report for consistency with its local <br />comprehensive plan. The School Board will provide adequate notification to local governments after <br />placing the work program on the agenda. All affected local governments shall provide timely written <br />comments to the School Board within 60 days following receipt of the proposed work program. <br />8.3 Capacity Reporting: The School Board's five-year work program will identify how each project meets <br />capacity issues. This work program will provide for expansions and new school facilities based upon <br />projected population and student growth within areas of the county. When funding for capital expansion is <br />not available, the school board will identify alternative solutions within the work program (eg. year round <br />or split session schools sites) when necessary to meet the public school demand. <br />Section 9. Co -location and Shared Use <br />9.1 Co -location and shared use of facilities are important to both the School Board and local governments. <br />When preparing its Educational Plant Survey, the School Board will look for opportunities to co -locate and <br />share use of school facilities and civic facilities. Likewise, co -location and shared use opportunities shall <br />be considered by the local governments when updating their comprehensive plan's schedule of capital <br />improvements and when planning and designing new, or renovating existing, community facilities. For <br />example, opportunities for co -location and shared use will be considered for libraries, parks, recreation <br />facilities, community centers, auditoriums, learning centers, museums, performing arts centers, and <br />stadiums. In addition, co -location and shared use of school and governmental facilities for health care and <br />social services will be considered where applicable. <br />9.2 For each instance of co -location and shared use, a separate Agreement, addressing legal liability, operating <br />and maintenance costs, scheduling of use, facility supervision or any other issues that may arise from co - <br />location, will be developed. <br />10 <br />
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