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DESCRIPTION <br /> All items include modifications , test , verifcation and copy to other sites . All instruments , hardware , <br /> speed controlled chemical pumps and wiring is assumed to be installed now or by others during <br /> implementation of these changes . <br /> Instrumentation Evaluation <br /> 1 Review and evaluate all of the currently installed instrument loops . - 10 days <br /> 2 Evaluate validity of current instrumention loop drawings - Actually schematics , included in no . 1 <br /> 3 Verify the calibration and operation of each instrument - already done by others <br /> 4 Verify all of the instrumentation , electrical and loop drawings . - included in no . 1 above <br /> 5 Create new "installed " loop schematics . - Modify and redraw based on 50 drawings total <br /> PLC Programming <br /> 1 Review the current PLC logic for all of the membrane skids . - 4 days <br /> 2 Verify the startup , run and shutdown operation of the skids . - included in no . 1 <br /> 3 Corrrect the PLC logic to ensure skids will start up to owner's specifications - 2 days <br /> 4 Verify and correct the flow control to operate in both automatic and in manual for all trains - 4 days <br /> 5 Verify and correct the feed pressure control to operate in automatic - 1 day <br /> HMI Programming <br /> 1 Review all of the skid control screens . - 4 days <br /> 2 Verify operation of control screens - included in no . 1 <br /> 3 Correct all asociated skid control screens - included in no . 1 <br /> 4 Verify functionality with operators . - 2 days <br /> 5 Create additional trend data and trending screens . - 2 days <br /> Task C - ALARM AND TREND INSTRUMENTATION ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS <br /> All items include PLC and HMI modifications , test , verifcation and copy to other sites with <br /> alarm/shutdown setpoints and timer setpoints hardcoded in the PLC unless otherwise stated . All <br /> instruments , hardware and wiring is assumed to be installed now or by others during implementation of <br /> these changes . <br /> 1 When membrane skid is off (out-of-service), add the following alarms per skid : <br /> a Feed flow - High (Above zero) <br /> b Stage 1 Product flow - High (Above Zero ) <br /> c Stage 2 Product flow - High (Above Zero) <br /> d Reject flow - High (Above Zero) <br /> e Feed valve position - Open <br /> f Concentrate control valve - Open <br /> g Product Water Conductivity - High <br /> 2 Add alarms for the following . <br /> a Ro feed pump suction - Low <br /> b Reject flow - Out of range <br /> 3 Revise all " out of range " alarms to specific " high " or " low" - 2 days <br /> 4 Add an analog input and alarm for cartridge filter differential pressure - High <br /> 5 Additional items <br /> Page 2 File : South Plant SCADA Quotation from CSD <br />