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WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVE <br /> INSTRUCTIONS <br /> A. GENERAL INFORMATION <br /> This document was developed for use in situations involving changes in the Work which, if not processed <br /> expeditiously, might delay the Project . These changes are often initiated in the field and may affect the <br /> Contract Price or the Contract Times . This is not a Change Order, but only a directive to proceed with <br /> Work that may be included in a subsequent Change Order. <br /> For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or the <br /> Contract Times a Field Order should be used . <br /> Be COMPLETING THE WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVE FORM <br /> Engineer initiates the form, including a description of the items involved and attachments . <br /> Based on conversations between Engineer and Contractor, Engineer completes the following : <br /> METHOD OF DETERMINING CHANGE, IF ANY, IN CONTRACT PRICE : Mark the method <br /> to be used in determining the final cost of Work involved and the estimated net effect on the <br /> Contract Price . If change involves an increase in the Contract Price and the estimated amount is <br /> approached before the additional or changed Work is completed, another Work Change Directive <br /> must be issued to change the estimated price or Contractor may stop the changed Work when the <br /> estimates time is reached . If Work Change Directive is not likely to change the Contract Price, the <br /> space for estimated increase (decrease) should be marked "Not Applicable" . <br /> Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to Owner for authorization <br /> because Engineer alone does not have authority to authorize changes in Price or Times . Once authorized <br /> by Owner, a copy should be sent by Engineer to Contractor. Price and Times may only be changed by <br /> Change Order signed by Owner and Contractor with Engineer' s recommendation . <br /> Paragraph 10 . 03 .A.2 of the General Conditions requires that a Change Order be initiated and processed to <br /> cover any undisputed sum or amount of time for Work actually performed pursuant to this Work Change <br /> Directive . <br /> Once the Work covered by this directive is completed or final cost and times are determined, Contractor <br /> should submit documentation for inclusion in a Change Order. <br /> THIS IS A DIRECTIVE TO PROCEED WITH A CHANGE THAT MAY AFFECT THE CONTRACT <br /> PRICE OR CONTRACT TIMES . A CHANGE ORDER, IF ANY, SHOULD BE CONSIDERED <br /> PROMPTLY, <br /> 044572017 <br /> 00800-23 <br />