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Data to be provided by County/ Municipalities : <br /> ■ Population data for the county and each municipality for the last 10 years <br /> ■ Approved residential development projects (number of units, location, and land area, <br /> and percent complete and # of vacant lots remaining) <br /> ■ Current and anticipated financial resources for school expansion <br /> ■ Building permit data by jurisdiction for the last 5 years <br /> ■ Development anticipated within the next 5 years and beyond <br /> ■ County and City capital improvement projects for parks , libraries , community <br /> centers , and other applicable public facilities <br /> ■ Current Public School Level of Service <br /> ■ Existing Countywide Public Schools Level of Service, Existing Public Schools Level <br /> of Service by School and Existing Level of Service based on class size amendments . <br /> ■ County Impact Fee Report (school impact fees) <br /> Sub- Task III a: Identification of New Residential Development <br /> Using the data outlined above, KHA shall identify the location of approved new <br /> developments and identify potential new development based on COUNTY and city future <br /> land use maps . To complete this sub -task, KHA will : <br /> ■ Map the location of approved and potential new residential developments <br /> ■ Provide a table outlining the identified developments, their anticipated density and <br /> potential student population <br /> An electronic copy of the maps and tables produced to complete this sub -task will be <br /> provided to the COUNTY for use by the COUNTY and the SCHOOL DISTRICT by <br /> January 30, 2006. <br /> Sub- Task III b: Projections <br /> Using the data outlined above and based on current and anticipated trends , KHA shall <br /> prepare a report which includes the following projections : <br /> ■ Population in five year increments until 2020 for the COUNTY, school attendance <br /> zones , and school planning areas <br /> ■ Building permits for next 5 years for the COUNTY, school attendance zones, and <br /> school planning areas <br /> ■ Overall student population from 2005 through 2020 <br /> ■ Student population by school type and school attendance zone (Elementary, Middle, <br /> High) from 2005 through 2020 <br /> ■ Student population by school planning areas in five year increments , ending with <br /> horizon year 2020 <br /> ■ Parks and recreation, library, and community center needs for co -location with <br /> schools <br /> ■ Costs and revenues for each five years until 2015 (deficiencies in revenue for schools <br /> shall be noted) . <br /> An electronic copy of the projections report will be provided to the COUNTY for review by the <br /> COUNTY and the SCHOOL DISTRICT by January 11 , 2006 . <br /> 3 <br />