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system and comprehensive plan amendments . KHA shall prepare all presentation material, <br /> including Power Point presentations , presentation boards, and handouts . <br /> KHA shall compile information from Technical Memorandums 1 - 4, and incorporate that <br /> information into a final report which will include an adopted Interlocal Agreement, an adopted <br /> Public School Facilities Element, a revised Capital Improvements Element for the COUNTY, <br /> and a revised Intergovernmental Coordination Element for the COUNTY . The report shall <br /> include all relevant information in the principal document, with other information/data <br /> incorporated in technical appendices . To complete this task, KHA will : <br /> ■ Provide an electronic copy of draft report to the COUNTY <br /> ■ Provide one modification draft report based on COUNTY review <br /> ■ Provide an electronic copy of final report to COUNTY <br /> Task XVIII: Project Management <br /> KHA shall provide COUNTY with all electronic documents developed throughout the study. <br /> This shall include database files, electronic spreadsheets, Power Point presentations, maps, and <br /> others . All documents, graphics, charts , and supporting material generated during the course of <br /> this project will be furnished to the COUNTY so that they can be read and understood as black <br /> and white documents in an IBM compatible format as identified below . <br /> Technical Memoranda and Correspondence Microsoft Word 2000 <br /> Spreadsheets Microsoft Excel 6 . 0/7 . 0 <br /> Graphics Axf format <br /> Maps/GIS ArcView 9 . 0 <br /> Final Reports Microsoft Word 2000 <br /> The schedule for completion for the project will be in accordance with the Pilot Communities <br /> Scope of Work issued by the Florida Department of Community Affairs . All dates other than <br /> those required by the Department of Community Affairs Pilot Communities Scope of Work are <br /> subject to change upon mutual agreement by the COUNTY, the SCHOOL DISTRICT and KHA. <br /> The final report shall be submitted to the COUNTY no later than May 25th 2006 , and transmitted <br /> to DCA by June 1 , 2006 . <br /> KHA shall attend a Notice to Proceed meeting with the COUNTY and SCHOOL DISTRICT, <br /> representatives at which relevant project information along with procedures for administering the <br /> contract shall be provided. KHA shall be available, with seven (7) business day notice, to <br /> attend meetings or make presentations at the request of the COUNTY or SCHOOL DISTRICT . <br /> Such meetings may be held at any hour between 9 : 00 a. m . and 11 : 00 p . m . on any day of the <br /> week. KHA may be called upon to provide maps, press releases, advertisements, audiovisual <br /> displays and similar material for such meetings . <br /> KHA shall submit one originally signed copy of an invoice package to the COUNTY ' s Project <br /> Manager. A copy of the invoice shall be sent to the SCHOOL DISTRICT Project Manager. <br /> Judgment on whether work of sufficient quality and quantity has been accomplished will be <br /> made by the COUNTY ' S and the SCHOOL DISTRICT ' S Project Managers using a comparison <br /> of reported percent work completed against actual work accomplished . <br /> 9 <br />