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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the methods and standards employed by <br />the State Road Department for determination of major improvement features, <br />including the specific alignment, the types and widths of pavement, and the <br />Department's standard specifications for construction are concurred in and <br />approved by this Board. It is requested: That the Department will consider <br />the protects in the order listed above insofar as practicable, but not to <br />the extent of retarding the whole program; that the termini of the projects <br />as described in the resolution and shown on the accompanying map, rather than <br />any estimate of funds therefor, shall control the Department's allocation of <br />funds; that this resolution shall remain in effect throughout the year; and <br />that after the current year the recommendations of this resolution shall con- <br />stitute a continuing improvement program for the County, unless changed by a <br />subsequent annual resolution. <br />