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report his findings at the next meeting. <br />Reverend Dewey McGahen of Wabasso appeared'before the Board <br />and requested an extention of the Lease from the County to the Wabasso <br />Beach Civic League. >:fter some discussion Motion was made by Commis- <br />sioner Macdonald, Commissioner McCullers and unanimously <br />carried, that the County attorney is authorized to re -draft the lease, <br />extending the time to 1968. <br />Douglas Baker, Clerk, appeared before the Board and presented <br />bids on, photo paper as follows: <br />Xerox Corporation $40.70 per roll <br />Klondex $30.90 per roll <br />Mr. Baker stated that heretofore he had been paying $46.25 <br />per -roll nd by using this new low bid we would save approximately <br />$1,000-00 per year. <br />.1alph Lundy of Gifford reported to the Board that they had <br />enough money to punch s- t. -.e naterial for sidewalks in Gifford and <br />st_,ted. that he would lii;+L to ;:again appeal to the Board for a voting <br />precinct nearer to the Gifford L-.rea. Motion was made by Commissioner <br />;iA dell, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and un,-nimously carried, <br />th._t the Chairman be requested to appoint a committee to work with the <br />'_!egistr+.r and investigate the fez!sibility of dividing precinct 2.,, due <br />to the tremendous increase in voters in this precinct. The Chairman <br />than _ppointed Commi.ssionor ;� ddell and Commissioner Haffield to work <br />:eitit t e -agistrac. Motion was made by Corimiissioner iaaddell, seconded <br />by Commissioner McCullers and unanimously carried, that the County <br />,ngineer proceed with the sidewalk its soon as he can find the time. <br />